[LCM Events] Fwd: Voices from Haifa - and from Boston

Nader Hawa genexinc at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 26 12:50:02 EDT 2006


--- CJP Israel Update <info at cjp.org> wrote:

> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 20:37:10 GMT
> From: "CJP Israel Update" <info at cjp.org>
> Subject: Voices from Haifa - and from Boston
> Want to raise your voice for Israel? Feel that coverage or an op
> ed isn't accurate? Write a letter to the editor at the Globe,
> Herald or your local newspaper. Visit www.cjp.org for talking
> points and great tips on how to submit an effective letter to
> the editor.
> ... or come in person to show your support ....
> The North Shore community will come together on Thursday, July
> 27, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Temple Sinai, One Community Rd.,
> Marblehead.
> Join Dr. Lawrence Lowenthal and Rabbi David Paskin, just
> returned from Israel, on Monday, July 31, at 7 pm, at Striar
> Jewish Community Center (JCC), 445 Central St., Stoughton
> Haifa remains under fire. Every day the rockets continue to
> fall. While the news is filled with rhetoric about destruction
> and death, life in Israel continues on - proudly, resolutely,
> patriotically - but not without impact or fear. 
> Below are a few of the stories we have heard from our friends
> and partners in the past week. More are posted on the CJP
> website, which we are updating daily. 
> Making a gift to the Israel in Crisis Campaign will help Haifa
> and Israel stay strong during this time and recover from this
> terror. You can donate online or send a check to CJP Israel in
> Crisis Campaign, 126 High Street, Boston, MA 02110
> From Gil Preuss, CJP's VP of Planning, now in Israel on the UJC
> Solidarity Mission
> While much of the country is not feeling the direct attacks from
> Hezbollah or Hamas, it is amazing to see how the nation has
> mobilized to support the families who are staying in their
> communities and those who have moved away from the attacks. For
> those of us on the UJC solidarity mission, while we came here to
> support the Israelis, it is probably more accurate to say that
> the Israelis are providing support for us. By seeing the
> tremendous communal responsibility here, there is reason for
> optimism. 
> From Rabbi Dr. Edgar Nof, Congregation Or Hadash, Haifa
> Today, I performed a rehearsal for two bar mitzvahs at Or
> Hadash. Some very brave people decided to have the rehearsal as
> scheduled. There were about 20 people, all dressed up for the
> event. A few minutes after we started, the sirens went on, and
> everyone went downstairs to the bomb shelter. We continued the
> ceremony from the bomb shelter. After returning to the
> synagogue, the sirens went on again. Try to imagine to yourself
> preparing for such an important event, disrupted by alarms, and
> having your whole family go downstairs (of course by foot) to a
> bomb shelter.
> From Inbar Bluzer, Director, Haifa Hillel
> For most of us, getting out of bed is the first challenge of the
> day. Yesterday, I woke up to the sounds of rockets falling and
> emergency alarms in Haifa. The siren, the whistling of the
> rockets and explosions that sounded so close, woke me up more
> than any double espresso shot could. This story is not only
> mine; it is the story of more than a million Israeli citizens -
> all the residents of the north - for more than a week. Behind
> political slogans about a strong and stable Israeli people,
> there are frightened civilians.
> --------------------------------------------------
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> Combined Jewish Philanthropies at:
> http://ga3.org/cjp/join.html?r=3dMVzTs1omf9E
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> This message was sent to genexinc at yahoo.com. CJP provides this and other
> email communications as a service to the community. To modify
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