[LCM Events] FW: ALES Boston Chapter Annual Dinner - Sat Feb 4th, 2006 - Byblos Restaurant - Norwood MA

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 10 20:18:29 EST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hani Al-Dayaa (ALES) [mailto:alhani at anfeh.com]
> Dear members and friends,
> Happy New Year to you and your families!
> Last week, we sent out letters (pasted at the end of this email), raffle
> tickets, and RSVP forms concerning the ALES Boston-chapter annual dinner
> that is going to take place on Saturday February 4th, 2006 at Byblos
> Restaurant in Norwood MA.
> If you have received them, we kindly ask you to take a minute to fill the
> RSVP and raffle tickets and return them to the chapter address (123 Wren
> Street. West Roxbury, MA 02132). If you haven't received our mail, we have
> attached the raffle tickets and RSVP forms for your conveninence, and we
> kindly ask you to reply to this email and include your mailing address to
> add it to our database.
> We look forward to seeing everyone of our dear members and friends at the
> annual dinner. It will be a great opportunity for all of us to meet in
> person and see again friends we haven't seen for a while. It will also be
> a great time with delicious Lebanese food and nice entertainment. Please
> feel free to tell your friends and relatives about this event as well, as
> they are all welcome to join us.
> We thank you for your support and hope to see you soon.
> Regards,
> Hani Al-Dayaa
> On behalf of the ALES Boston-chapter board
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
> Dear members and friends,
> On behalf of the American Lebanese Engineering Society, Boston Chapter, It
> is my great pleasure to invite you to our annual dinner celebration on:
> Saturday, February 4th, 2006
> At Byblos Restaurant
> 678 Washington St.
> Norwood, MA 02062
> Tel: 781-762-8998
> Cocktails at 7:00 PM. Dinner at 8:00 PM.
> Live entertainment is provided.
> Tickets are $65 per person, $40 for students.
> In addition, during the event we will have a raffle with a Grand prize, a
> Dell Notebook Computer. For convenience and to encourage your
> participation and support we have enclosed, with this letter, four raffle
> tickets. Please return the unused tickets with the filled out stubs and
> check made out to ALES, Boston Chapter.
> Proceeds from the event and raffle will go towards the scholarship fund
> and for general organization's activities. Two scholarship awards for the
> amount of $1000 each will be presented during this year's event.
> Thank you for your continuous help and support and look forward to seeing
> you at the event.
> On behalf of ALES, Boston Chapter, I would like to take this opportunity
> to wish you and your family health and prosperity in this coming year. May
> the New Year be also a year of peace in Lebanon, the Middle East, the
> United States and the World.
> Sincerely,
> Hani Al-Dayaa
> President ALES, Boston Chapter
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
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