[LCM Events] Lebanon Relief Event

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 30 01:43:16 EDT 2006

Dear all,

Please find attached two documents describing a huge fundraiser for Lebanon, to
take place at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles on November 21st.  Although most
of us in the Boston area may not be attending, we can still be of great
assistance to Wafa Kanan, the organizer.

She is currently looking for sponsorships, and has requested that people who
work in different companies inquire about whether or not they would be willing
to sponsor the event.  Companies being consulted include Pepsi, L'Oreal,
Procter and Gamble, etc...  Also, if any of you are in touch with performers
who may be willing to offer their time and talent at this event, please let her

The event aims to be a MASSIVE one - raising $10 million total, drawing
worldwide media attention to the humanitarian situation in Lebanon, while
attracting very influential people, artists, musicians, actors and actresses. 
Please see the documents for more detailed information about the event and what
she needs assistance in.  Please spread the word.  Thanks so much for your help,
in advance.

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