[LCM Events] Fw: Lebanon Fundraiser Dinner

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 18 12:23:17 EDT 2006

Fundraising Dinner for Lebanon - Lebanese food, music, raffle, and more

All proceeds will go to Lebanon Relief Fund at the American Red Cross. (This fund fully supports the operations of the Lebanese Red Cross.)

Minimum Donation:
$30 per person 
$20 per child under 16 
children 6 and under free

Event organized by:
Arab American Ladies Of Greater Boston For Relief Lebanon

(Click here for more information) 

When:  Saturday August 26, 2006 8 pm  (remind me!) 
Where: St. George Orthodox Church 55 Emmonsdale Road West Roxbury, MA 02132 Phone (617) 323-0323
Contact: Zana Audy (617) 270-4485 / audy.z at neu.edu Susan Jreige (781) 461-9091 / SuJreige at aol.com Vivian Haidar (617) 331-1619 
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