[LCM Events] [Justice For Lebanon] Bike Ride, Sunday @ 10am

Justice For Lebanon contact at justiceforlebanon.com
Sat Aug 5 08:07:53 EDT 2006

Join us this Sunday morning (August 6) for a bike rally in solidarity with
the people of Lebanon and calling for an immediate cease fire.  We'll ride
slowly through Cambridge neighborhoods raising awareness, gathering petition
signatures and publicizing future efforts.
Bikers meet at 10 am at the Memorial Mobil Gas station, 816 Memorial Dr,
Lebanese flags and signs will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.
Bring your bike or roller blades.
If you need to rent a bike, try Cambridge Bicycle at
259 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge (two blocks from MIT), 617-876-6555.  Call
in advance.
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