[LCM Events] Brunch with the MIT Arab Alumni Association, temb, 2005 (f

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 18 17:18:26 EDT 2005

The MIT Arab Alumni Association would like to cordially invite you to
join us for a special networking brunch on 25 September 2005 at MIT from
12pm to 3pm.  The brunch is FREE! all you need to do is register,
please visit:

3> &groupID=193

We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information about the MITAAA brunch, please contact Shaheen
Husain at shaheen at alum.mit.edu
rder=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b> .

Best wishes,

Robert Ayan
On behalf of the MIT Arab Alumni Association (MITAAA)

Please visit the MITAAA online at:
arab-announce mailing list
arab-announce at mit.edu

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