[LCM Events] Think Tank Session II

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 6 13:38:17 EST 2005

Dear all,

Preparations for the second session of the Harvard-MIT Lebanese Affairs Think Tank series are underway and we would like to share
with you some preliminary information about the event.

Topic- What type of national leadership is needed to transcend confessionalism in Lebanon?

Date- Sunday, November 20, 2005

Venue- MIT (exact time & location to be announced)

Please find attached a more elaborate description of the event; why it was chosen, what format it will take, and how you can
contribute (presenters needed!). This document has been prepared by the Lebanon Think Tank Steering Committee. The mission, vision,
strategy, roadmap, membership, organization, and focus topics of this think tank will all be shared with you at the National
Leadership session on November 20.

Meanwhile, please let us know by Wednesday, November 9, whether you'd like to participate in presenting a specific Lebanese leader
(more on deadlines in attachment.) Any other comments or questions you may have are more than welcome.

Stay tuned,

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