[LCM Events] Movie & Documentary Series

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 2 04:56:15 EST 2005

Hello all,

On a weekly basis starting this Sunday, the LCM will screen to the public Lebanon-related movies and documentaries from its vast
collection. This will follow the club's regular weekly meeting in 9-315 (map <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=9-315> ), and
start around 7pm. Your friends are more than welcome.

This is the tentative schedule for the upcoming few weeks:

-          Nov 6 - When Maryam Spoke

-          Nov 13 - Sahriyye

-          Nov 20 - none; Lebanon Think Tank event

-          Nov 27 - In the Shadows of the City

-          Dec 4 - The Kite

-          Dec 11 - West Beirut

-          ...


Feel free to contact us beforehand to confirm the screening (which, where, and when) and request that specific movies/documentaries
of interest to you are screened in the near future. We'll take popular selections into consideration and update the schedule
accordingly. The most up to date version of the list and schedule is maintained at:


This is a full List of the movies and documentaries we have and intend to screen down the road (in alphabetical order):


*       The Broken Wings (1964) - VHS, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Bikhsous el Karameh wel Sha'ab el Anid - 3xDVD, Arabic 

*       Divine Intervention (2002) - DVD, Arabic, English, & French subtitles

*       Camille Chamoun: His Excellency, the King (2003) - 4xDVDs, Arabic w/ English, French

*       Enjoy Lebanon (2003) - DVD-ROM, English

*       Fairouz in Las Vegas (2002) - 2xDVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Fairouz in "Rings For Sale" (1964) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Frontiers of Dreams and Fears (2001) - DVD, Arabic w/ English, French, Arabic subtitles

*       Gibran's Museum (1998) - VHS, Arabic

*       The Guide to Lebanon (2003) - DVD, English & French w/ Spanish, German, & Portuguese subtitles

*       In the Shadows of the City (2000) - DVD, Arabic

*       Israel vs. PLO: The Invasion of Lebanon (1989) - VHS, English

*       The Kite (2004) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Lebanese Parties: Arabic Progressive Socialist Party (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English

*       Lebanese Parties: Communist Part (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English

*       Lebanese Parties: Hizbollah Party (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Lebanese Parties: Kataeb/Phalanges Party (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Lebanese Parties: Lebanese Forces (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English

*       Lebanese Parties: National Liberal Party (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Lebanese Parties: Syrian Social National Party (2003) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Lebanon... Imprisoned Splendor (1996) - VHS, English

*       Once Upon a Time, Beirut (1994) - VHS, Arabic w/ English subtitles 

*       Peace, Propaganda, & the Promised Land (2004) - DVD, English w/ Spanish, French

*       Oliver Stone's Arafat: Persona Non Grata (2003) - DVD, English w/ English, French sub

*       The Rose House (2004) - DVD, Arabic & English w/ English & French subtitles

*       Tawa'ef Lubnan: Assyrians, Alewites, and Coptics - DVD, Arabic w/ English & French

*       Tawa'ef Lubnan: Greek Orthodox & Greek Catholics - DVD, Arabic w/ English & French

*       Tawa'ef Lubnan: Jews, Latin, and Evangelists - DVD, Arabic w/ English & French

*       Tawa'ef Lubnan: Maronites - DVD, Arabic w/ English & French

*       Tawa'ef Lubnan: Shiites - DVD, Arabic w/ English & French

*       Sahriyye (1974) - DVD, Arabic

*       The Sixth War: Invasion of 1982 - 4xDVDs, Arabic

*       Solidere: Developing the Finest City Center in the Middle East (2000) - VHS, English

*       The Tornado (1992) - VHS, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       Voyageur: Marcel Khalife (2004) - DVD, Arabic w/ Arabic, English, French subtitles 

*       War of Lebanon (2001) - 4xDVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       West Beirut (1998) - DVD, Arabic w/ English subtitles

*       When Maryam Spoke (2004) - DVD, Arabic

*       Yawmaha Kanou Hunak (2003) - DVD, Arabic

*       The 50 Years War (1998) - DVD, English

Some of the movies above have been further described (plot, duration, etc...) on the LCM's resources
<http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/previous/MovieSeries/index.html>  page.

Let us know if you'd like to make further contributions to this inventory.

Stay tuned,

Loai Naamani
President, Lebanese Club @ MIT
loai at mit.edu | 617.680.3466

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