[LCM Events] PBS Frontline: Lebanon Special

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sun May 15 22:09:11 EDT 2005

This Tuesday at 9pm ET on PBS/WGBH; follow the links below to check your local listings elsewhere,




Frontline/World logo

Developed by Frontline producers at WGBH in conjunction with KQED in San Francisco, Frontline/World turns its lens on the global
community, introducing viewers to countries and cultures rarely covered by the US media.

protesters in LebanonOn Feb. 14, 2005, reporter Kate Seelye was working at her office in Beirut, Lebanon, when she heard the bomb
explosion that killed billionaire and former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. Blaming the assassination on Syria, whose troops
had been occupying Lebanon for 29 years, thousands of people took to the streets of Beirut demanding that Syrian troops withdraw.
Surprisingly, Syrian president Bashar al Assad agreed, pledging that all of Syria's 15,000 soldiers would leave Lebanon by April 30,
2005. On April 26, the last soldiers left.

Seelye follows the retreating troops into Syria, where she interviews government officials, political dissidents, and ordinary
citizens in the ancient souk (marketplace) of the capital of Damascus to gauge what impact the withdrawal has had on Syria, whose
government is under pressure from Washington to reform. 

Back in Beirut, Seelye meets with young protesters in Martyrs' Square and with opposition leaders, who say that Lebanon has a
historic opportunity to overcome past sectarian conflicts and become a model Middle East democracy. But some fear that the
Syrian-backed Hezbollah militia - a state within a state - may threaten Lebanon's new unity. 



WGBH 2/44

Tue, May 17, 9pm, WGBH 2
Wed, May 18, 5am, WGBH 2
Wed, May 18, 10:30pm, WGBH 44



WGBH channels only on Comcast

Wed, May 18, 6pm, WGBH World (209)
Wed, May 18, 9pm, WGBH World (209)
Thu, May 19, 4am, WGBH World (209)
Thu, May 19, 10am, WGBH World (209)

 <http://www.wgbh.org/digital> More about these channels


Online at  <http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/> http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/


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