[LCM Events] Today's talk

Carl E. Nehme nehme at MIT.EDU
Wed May 11 20:56:29 EDT 2005

Thank you very much Mohamad for the clarification, i was actually going to send
a similar email. 

In fact, just to set the record straight, Michel Aoun was supported by the
palestinians, because they saw in him a non-sectarian leader who was proud of
arabism. In his fight against the syrians, the palestinians were supportive,
since they were fighting the syrians themselves due to some disagreements
between the PLO and the late syrian president. So Michel Aoun is the farthest
from having a judeo alliance.

Furthermore, not all phalangists are pro-israeli, in fact, most of them are not.
It was the Lebanese forces that emerged from the phalangists that allied with
the israelis at one point. Furthermore, the phalangists are not according to
their manifesto a christian party, although most of their members were

I myself am not associated with any party, however I think it is only fair to
clarify the ideologies of the different parties since I believe all Lebanese
people are good, Muslim, Christian and Druze alike. However, it is unfortunate
that in our bloody civil war, the different parties concentrated on their
differences, instead of the numerous similarities that their share.

Carl Nehme

> Randa, 
> I have a slight clarification on the following statement you made:
> "My understanding is that none of the christians among you admires the
> phalangists or Michel Aoun. The judeo-christian alliances are common in
> history, but one should believe in, and work towards having a..."
> For those that do not know, a lot of people admire Michel Aoun in Lebanon and
> abroad for various reasons, and thus was proven the case when around a
> quarter of a million people attended his return to Beirut on May 7th. What I
> wanted to clarify is that Michel Aoun did not work with Israel, and adamantly
> refused to do so during the War of Liberation against the Syrian army despite
> immanent defeat. Michel Aoun is also running on a secular platform in the
> coming elections.
> >From: R//H <rhartm1 at yahoo.com>
> >To: Loai Naamani <loai at mit.edu>
> >CC: "'LCM Events'" <lebanon-events at mit.edu>
> >Subject: [LCM Events] Today's talk
> >Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 16:28:40 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >
> >    Loai,
> >
> >  The elderly lady with the green jacket is an
> >Armenian-Syrian professor 
> emerita of political science
> >at Simmons College. I was quite surprised that you
> >weren't prepared for her assumption that you're all
> >"christians from an extremist right-wing,
> >promoting..."
> >
> >  It seems as if time had stopped for her at some
> >point, or that she really is not aware of the change,
> >even though superficial and political for now, if
> >that's all they see in it.
> >
> >  You should contact her to tell her where you all
> >stand. My understanding is that none of the christians
> >among you admires the phalangists or Michel Aoun.
> >The judeo-christian alliances are common in history,
> >but one should believe in, and work towards having a
> >now politically-savvy Lebanese citizen who, as
> >sectarian as the Irish had been in this country, can
> >hope to participate 
> in power towards more honorable
> >goals.
> >
> >  The Arab Student Organization should have her contact
> >info, as she was recently invited by them to a
> >roundtable on Palestine.
> >
> >  What a beautiful generation you represent, all you
> >need is to thicken your skins to the political games.
> >   --Randa
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Mail
> >Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:
> >http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html
> >
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