[LCM Events] ASO dinner & discussion today

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 7 10:32:37 EST 2005


We hope you join us tonight Monday, March 7 at 8pm for the ASO
hosted dinner-discussion on topics related to the Arab world and Arabs
in America.

This event is an official part of the MIT Campus Race Relations Week
initiative. More information about this initiative at

The topics that will be discussed around dinner are:
	• 	Women in the Arab World:  Education and Human rights
	• 	The diversity of races in the  Arab World
	• 	Lebanon-Syria relations
	• 	Racial profiling in the US post  9/11
	• 	The Darfour story

We hope you will join us and participate in the table discussion that you
find most interesting.

So come and bring all of your friends! Delicious Free food will be

See you all on Monday March 7 at 8pm in the McCormick dining Hall. For
any questions, email arab-comm at mit.edu


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