[LCM Events] Congressman Rahall Introduces Resolution Honoring PM Rafik Hariri

Walid Georges Chamoun walid at chamoun.org
Tue Feb 15 12:45:58 EST 2005

ADC Update:
Congressman Rahall Introduces Resolution Honoring Hariri

February 15, Washington DC--Lebanese-American Congressman Nick J. Rahall,
II (WV3) introduced the following resolution honoring the life and legacy
of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Ask your Member of Congress
to support this resolution. Contact them in the House of Representatives by
going to the following website (http://capwiz.com/adc/dbq/officials/) and
entering your zip code.  Call Congressman Rahall's office and thank him for
introducing this resolution (202) 225-3452.


H. RES. --

Honoring the life and legacy of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik
Hariri. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2005 Mr. Rahall (for
himself, Mr. Issa, Mr. LaHood, Mr. Boustany and Mr. Dingell) submitted the
following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on _ Whereas
Rafik Hariri, an esteemed leader and public servant, was born in Sidon,
Lebanon, on November 1, 1944; Whereas Rafik Hariri served the people of
Lebanon as a chief mediator between Lebanese militias during the 1983
Geneva and 1984 Lebanese reconciliation conferences; Whereas, under his
deep commitment to a united Lebanon, Rafik Hariri was a primary architect
of the Taif national reconciliation accords of 1989, which put an end to
the Lebanese civil war; Whereas, as an enormously successful businessman
and devoted countryman, Rafik Hariri instituted several reconstruction and
investment efforts to help rebuild Lebanon and restore its status as a
center of business, finance and tourism; Whereas, as the elected Prime
Minister of Lebanon for three consecutive terms from 1992 to 1998 and then
two more from 2000 to 2004, Rafik Hariri continued his steadfast dedication
to Lebanese unity and economic development, having attracted several
foreign investments; Whereas, Rafik Hariri was a man committed to
humanitarian causes, he founded several philanthropic, humanitarian and
educational foundations in Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to provide
educational and medical assistance to the needy; Whereas, Rafik Hariri was
held in the highest regard by the international community, and met
personally with President Bush to discuss US-Lebanese relations as recently
as 2002; Whereas Rafik Hariri_s exemplary leadership shall serve as a model
for the world community and he will be deeply missed by world leaders after
the news that he was killed February 14, 2005 in Beirut, Lebanon: Now
therefore be it Resolved that the House of Representatives,

(1) condemns the heinous act of terrorism that killed former Prime Minister
Rafik Hariri in the strongest possible terms;

(2) extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of former
Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and to all the people of Lebanon in this moment
of tragedy;

(3) expresses its admiration for the historic contributions made by Rafik
Hariri over his long and distinguished career of public service;

(4) reaffirms its commitment to the process of building a just and lasting
peace in the Middle East.

For more information, contact Laila Al-Qatami at:

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
4201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20008
Tel: (202) 244-2990, Fax: (202) 244-3196, E-mail: adc at adc.org

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