[LCM Events] Independence 05 - Notice Location Change

Walid Georges Chamoun walid at chamoun.org
Tue Apr 26 21:09:50 EDT 2005

Please circulate!  Thank you.  W.


Friendly reminder to join us in celebrating Lebanon's New Independence in 2005.

Crowds will gather from all over the United States and Canada in Washington D.C. for three reasons:

1. Commemorate the significance of this great day and show the World that the Lebanese People are determined to revitalize their country.

2. Thank the international community for their solidarity and their endeavors to bring about an environment suitable to rebuild the Lebanon that we all dream about.

3. Insist on the importance of conducting free and transparent elections under the watch of a neutral party.

Date: Saturday April 30th @ 12 noon
Location: LAFAYETTE PARK, Pennsylvania Ave, Washington D.C. (across the street from White House)

Thank you, and hope to see you there!
The Lebanese Students at the University of Maryland

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