[LCM Events] FW: Awards

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 15 00:46:18 EDT 2005

Hey all,

Lend us a voice with this (read below) if your felt the Lebanese Club @ MIT did a good job this year! Marquee events you may want to
nominate to one or more of the categories below are the A Child of Life production, the Lecture Series on Lebanese-Syrian Relations,
and/or the Lebanese Awareness Week, most of which are documented at http://web.mit.edu/lebanon 

The LCM won best program of the year in 2003 for Libanissimo III; it's about time we do it again. Relevant categories are:


Program of the Year <http://web.mit.edu/slp/leader-awards/group-form.html>  Award presented by the Graduate Student Council to an
organization in recognition of their service to the graduate student community.

Best Example of <http://web.mit.edu/slp/leader-awards/group-form.html>  Teamwork by an Organization presented to a group (or groups)
that showed the ability to collaborate effectively, that produced an event that was inviting and inclusive of all members of the MIT

Best Planned Event <http://web.mit.edu/slp/leader-awards/group-form.html>  presented by the Student Activities Office, Campus
Activities Complex, and the Campus Police to honor a program that not only generated interest, but also was well planned and

Leadership <http://web.mit.edu/slp/leader-awards/individual-form.html>  Award to an individual student who went "above and beyond"
his or her call of duty as an organization leader, who showed dedication to their organization and to campus life at MIT.


Sorry for the short notice; the mentioned deadline is tonight, but please cast your vote (both LCM members and friends) anyway ASAP
whenever that is. If you can't access the forms or prefer email/phone, please contact Tom Robinson (trob at mit.edu | 617-253-7605)
Every vote counts!

Thank you,


> Hello,


> You are invited to nominate any MIT student program, organization, event

> or individual student to receive an award during the Student Leader Awards

> Reception held on Friday, May 13, 2005 from 12pm to 1:30pm in La Sala de

> Puerto Rico.


> Please take a moment to review the online list of possible Public Service

> Center, Residential Life Programs and Student Activities Office awards and

> nominate a student group, program or event for the 2004-2005 academic year.


> Please complete the online nomination form

> http://web.mit.edu/slp/leader-awards/ by April 15 at 5:00 pm.


> Thank you,


> Kiley Noonan

> Tom Robinson

> Jill Soucy

> Lauren Wojtkun


> p.s.  A complete list of awards can also be found on our

> http://web.mit.edu/slp/leader-awards/#categories   

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