[LCM Events] Lebanese Awareness Week

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 11 03:37:39 EDT 2005

Lebanese Awareness Week

The Lebanese Awareness Week 2005 is taking place in Lobby 10 (map <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=10> ) on Wednesday and
Thursday of this momentous week in Lebanon's modern history (April 11-15.)

Music, projections, slideshows, plasma screenings, navigation booths, and other media will be used in creatively highlighting a
number of themes presented this year:


30-Years Since - How far has Lebanon come since the beginning of its epic war?

People Power - What does uniting 30% of Lebanon's population in a single demonstration signify?

Remembering Hariri - The Statesman, Businessman, & Philanthropist: Who he was, why he was killed, and what did it spark?

Lebanon Today - Record inflow of tourists to this peace of heaven on Earth: what makes it so special?

Lend Us Your Voice - We have a flag petition for you to sign: would you help?


The set will also feature: LIVE video coverage from Beirut, imported Lebanese sweets, blue Truth ribbon/pins, Fairouz music,
"Beirut's Memory" poster books, "Lebanon-in-3D" poster books, "Guide to Lebanon" production, "Enjoy Lebanon" virtual navigation
system, and much more. 


Wednesday @ 7:00pm - National Day of Unity: In memory of the beginning of the Lebanese War 30 years ago, the Lebanese community of
Greater Boston cordially invites you to a dinner celebration on April 13 to participate in launching this National Unity Day and
reasserting Lebanon's freedom, sovereignty, and independence. Transportation will be provided by the LCM to all its members and
friends. Departure will be at 6:30pm from 77 Mass Ave (main MIT entrance); please confirm via email if you plan to join the LCM
(more... <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/temp/April13_Flyer.v.1.large.jpg> )

Thursday @ 5:30pm - In-Depth Presentation and Q&A: The Harvard Kennedy School Arab Caucus invites you to a presentation about
Lebanon and the current challenges in the Middle East. Various dimensions of the situation in Lebanon will be covered, including:
Lebanon's history and political system, role of Rafik Hariri in rebuilding Lebanon, Lebanese-Syrian relationships, role of Hezbollah
in Arab-Israeli conflict, US and France foreign policies, UN Security Council Resolution 1559, and future challenges.

Drop by anytime; we look forward to seeing you there!

Loai Naamani
President, Lebanese Club @ MIT

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