[LCM Events] WLCU Annual Hafle-- Saturday Nov 20, 2004

David Abichaker dabichaker at rcn.com
Sat Nov 13 16:49:11 EST 2004

Hello every one,

The World Lebanese Cultural Union, Boston Chapter is sponsoring its 
annual Independence Day Hafli on Saturday November 20 (Next Saturday). 
The famous Lebanese singer "Nicholas El-Osta" is coming to Boston for 
the event and will be providing entertainment.  If you are interested, 
please respond to this e-mail or Call me (David Abichaker 617-327-4415). 
Sorry for the late notice.
Thank you and hope to see you there.

Below is the additional information about the

Best Regards,

David Abichaker
WLCU Boston Chapter, President.

In observance of Lebanon's Independence Day 2004.
The World Lebanese Cultural Union(WLCU).
Is sponsoring its Annual "Hafle":
_Place: _ The Annunciation Hall
7 VFW Pkwy, Roslindale, MA
_Date: _Saturday, November 20, 2004 at 8:00 PM
_Featuring,_ directly from Lebanon, the famous
singer Nicholas El-Osta
_Admission, Full Meza included_: $50 per person
$30 for children under 16

Part of the proceeds goes to the WLCU college
scholarship funds and to Charitable contributions

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