[LCM Events] Beirut Pictures

Philippe Charles Saad psaad at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 17 15:30:30 EST 2004

Recent pictures of Beirut and Alexandria on ArchNet 


ArchNet is an exciting project being developed at the MIT School of Architecture
and Planning in close cooperation with, and with the full support of The Aga
Khan Trust for Culture, an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network. The Aga
Khan Trust for Culture is a private, non-denominational, international
development agency with programmes dedicated to the improvement of built
environments in societies where Muslims have a significant presence.

The goal of ArchNet is to create a community of architects, planners, educators,
and students. The community can help each other by sharing expertise, local
experience, resources, and dialogue. Members are urged to take on a pro-active
role in the community. Imagine the wealth of knowledge and history created in
the various schools of architecture around the world. ArchNet hopes to tap that
knowledge and provide a mechanism by which these valuable tools can be

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