[LCM Articles] Youth For Tolerance

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 17 07:39:08 EST 2009

An up-and-coming initiative/NGO in Lebanon: http://www.youthfortolerance.org
You might want to check out their original ads playing on local Lebanese TV

Goldfish Ad
Watch this ad on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo9fVyMMKUM
About the Goldfish Ad:
This ad is inspired from the seemingly endless cycles of internal wars and
violence that our society tends to get into and out of without proper
closure or genuine attempts of reconciliation. True reconciliation is based
on forgiveness, not on forgetfulness.
We are not doomed to repeating the past though. Let us say no to speeches of
hatred, let us reject policies of dominance and discard beliefs of
superiority of one group over another.
Rainbow Ad
Watch this ad on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I42nCloxkM4
About the Rainbow Ad:
This ad is inspired from the radical and one-sided views that some of the
Lebanese have adopted lately. A lot of the political rhetoric and heated
debates in TV talk shows are aimed at "convincing" and "converting" the
other.We believe that there's nothing wrong with having a political
affiliation but expecting everyone to have the same opinion is as un-natural
as expecting one colored raibows!
Poker Game Ad
Watch this ad on Facebook:
About the Poker Game Ad:
This ad addresses the problem of blind allegiance to politicians and
parties. Such blind allegiance turns followers into mere negotiation "cards"
that are traded and swapped in the power game. While political affiliation
is not a bad thing in itself, the absence of critical thinking and lack of
accountability definitely are.

And a must-play game called Whak-A-Politician:

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