[LCM Articles] ideas for interviews? Broadcasts from Beriut project...

Stefan Christoff christoff at resist.ca
Thu May 15 01:38:14 EDT 2008


Writing everyone from Tadamon! Montreal, a Palestine / Lebanon 
solidarity group, on-line at: http://tadamon.resist.ca

Recently we started an interview project, that will feature voices from 
the ground in Lebanon to provide independent analysis concerning the 
current situation in the country...

Interview series is called "Broadcasts from Beirut", the first 
interviews are outlined below...

* Broadcasts from Beirut I: Interview with activist & publisher Samah 
Idriss in Beirut, Lebanon.

* Broadcasts from Beirut II: an interview with Bilal Elamine, former 
editor of Left Turn magazine.

* Broadcasts from Beirut III: Interview with Raed Rafei, a Lebanese 
reporter working with the Los Angeles Times.

Wondering if anyone on this has ideas on potential people that we could 
interview for this series, the mandate is as follows;

"A Tadamon! interview project aiming to highlight progressive voices 
from the ground in Lebanon on the ongoing conflict, voices independent 
from major political parties..."

Looking for ideas for interviews, from artists, musicians, activists, 
human rights workers, academics, etc.

Please write me with your ideas!

Thanks in advance for your responses.
-- Stefan, for Tadamon! -- http://tadamon.resist.ca

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