[LCM Articles] War Anniversary Photo Wins Int'l Press Photo Contest in China

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 27 23:00:43 EDT 2008

The single photo "First Anniversary of the Lebanon-Israel War" taken by AFP
photographer Marwan Naamani wins the gold prize in the General News Singles
(GN) in the 4th China International Press Photo Contest (CHIPP) held in
Shanghai from March 20 to 25, 2008. This photo shows Hezbollah chief Hassan
Nasrallah speaking in a giant screen erected on top of a building during a
ceremony to mark the first anniversary of the war with Israel in Beirut's
southern suburb, Lebanon, on Aug. 14, 2007. (Xinhua Photo)

The single photo "First Anniversary of the Lebanon-Israel War" taken by AFP
photographer Marwan Naamani wins the gold prize in the General News Singles
(GN) in the 4th China International Press Photo Contest (CHIPP) held in
Shanghai from March 20 to 25, 2008. This photo shows Hezbollah chief Hassan
Nasrallah speaking in a giant screen erected on top of a building during a
ceremony to mark the first anniversary of the war with Israel in Beirut's
southern suburb, Lenanon, on Aug. 14, 2007.


Interesting winners in other categories posted here:

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