[LCM Articles] Lebanon Football Team Welcomed by Syrian National Anthem

Brahim Dagher brahim_dagher at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 9 15:30:47 EDT 2008


                      Monday 9 June 2008 (04 Jumada al-Thani 1429)



                Sidelights: Lebanon Football Team Welcomed by Syrian National Anthem

                    Arab News
9 June 2008 — The Saudi Vs. Lebanon match held at the King Fahd
International Stadium here on Saturday had an unusual start after
officials mistakenly played the wrong national anthem. Fans were left
shocked and Lebanese players were visibly angry when the Syrian
national anthem began blaring from the stadium’s speakers, the
Arriyadiyah sports daily reported yesterday. Officials quickly realized
their mistake, and eventually played the correct national anthem.
However, the error, which was committed by the organizing officials of
the tournament, prompted the President of the Saudi Football
Federation, Prince Sultan ibn Fahd, to order an official investigation
into the incident. Saudi Arabia went on to win the World Cup qualifying
match 2-1.
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