[LCM Articles] [arab-announce] Come and Show your Support for President Carter inevents around Boston (JANUARY 23RD) (fwd)

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 23 10:09:56 EST 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:43:30 +0300
From: Omar H. Al-Madhi <almadhi at MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: "omar at sloan.mit.edu" <omar at sloan.mit.edu>
Subject: [arab-announce] Come and Show your Support for President Carter
     inevents around Boston (JANUARY 23RD)

Forwarded message from ADCMA:

Dear Friends,

There will be two events taking place tomorrow where former President Jimmy
Carter will be speaking.  As you know, President Carter has been under
tremendous pressure following the publication of his book "Palestine: Peace
not Apartheid" published  in November 2006.  It will be important for the
Arab and Muslim American community to show solidarity with President Carter
in light of overwhelming opposition.  Please find below 2 notes regarding
each event.

Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,
Calien Jarudi
Executive Director


Jimmy Carter will be signing his book at the Harvard Coop from 1:30 to 3:30
                        PM on Tuesday January 23rd.

       A contingent of people will be at the COOP starting at 12 noon
distributing literature in support of Carter. People will be lining up for
             the signing at 11 AM outside of the Harvard Coop.


Please join our  demonstration in support of Jimmy Carter when he speaks at
    Brandeis on "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid,"  on January 23 at 4:30
   pm at the Shapiro gym at Brandeis.  We will gather in front of the gym
   at 2:30 unless the campus is closed (an unlikely event) in which case
    we will gather at the main entrance.  The groups organizing for this
             are Jewish Voice for Peace and the Antiwar League.

   I ask you to join us and to get your friends and organization to do so
                             for two reasons:

   First, Carter is being attacked from every side, with few standing up
    to defend him.  He has largely been left to defend himself from the
  outrageous attacks by the neoconservatives, the mainstream media, AIPAC
                                  and the
rest of the Israeli Lobby.  He is courageous enough to tell the truth, and
    should not be left undefended.  (Very few peace groups have stepped
     forward to defend Carter and those that have are for the most part
                           very quiet about it.)

          Second, as Carter said in his recent op-ed in the Globe:
     "As recommended by the Hamilton-Baker report, renewed negotiations
    between Israel and the Palestinians are a prime factor in promoting
   peace in the region. Although my book concentrates on the Palestinian
   territories, I noted that the report also recommended peace talks with
     Syria concerning the Golan Heights. Both recommendations have been
                   rejected by Israel's prime minister."
It is pretty clear from this that American blood and much more Iraqi blood
   is being shed in Iraq in part because of the intransigence of Israel.
    From this it is hard for anyone genuinely concerned about ending the
   war on Iraq to say that the question of Palestine and the machinations
                        of AIPAC are of no concern.

    We know that there will be protests against him.  Let us not let him
                                stand alone.

People are planning to arrive at Brandeis in support of Carter at 2:30 PM.
           The event is only for Brandeis students and faculty.

              Brandeis now has a page of information on line
  (http://my.brandeis.edu/news/item?news_item_id=7613) which includes the
                     Watch the live remote broadcast.
              The event will be streamed live on the Internet.

__._,_.___ __,_._,___
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