[LCM Articles] Radio Tadamon! Who is the Terrorist? Conversations on Hezbollah.

Tadamon! tadamon at resist.ca
Sun Dec 16 15:19:33 EST 2007

Radio Tadamon! Who is the Terrorist? Conversations on Hezbollah.

* Lebanon & Hezbollah. A Presentation from Bilal Elamine

* Hezbollah and Canada's List of "Terrorist Entities"
A Presentation from Brian Aboud of Tadamon! Montreal.

Listen to a recent series of programs from Radio Tadamon! featuring 
presentations from a recent event in Montreal focused on the ongoing campaign 
to challenge the listing of the Lebanese political movement as a 'terrorist' 
organization in Canada.

Presentations featured are from Bilal Elamine, the former editor of Left Turn 
magazine, who addresses the role of Hezbollah as a political force in Lebanon. 
Bilal Elamine's presentation addresses the 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon and 
the ongoing internal political turmoil in Lebanon, including the general strike 
of 2006 and opposition demonstrations.

This feature of Radio Tadamon! additionally features a presentation from Brian 
Aboud, a social activist, professor and academic addressing the political 
campaign of Tadamon! to challenge Canada's categorization of Hezbollah as a 
"terrorist" organization in Canada.

* Tadamon! Montreal:
Challenging Hezbollah's listing as a "Terrorist" Organization in Canada

* Selectively Terrified, by Mary Foster of Tadamon! Montreal.

Recorded and produced by Vivian Tabar and Stefan Christoff for Radio Tadamon!. 
Radio Tadamon! is produced by Tadamon! a collective of activists in Montreal 
working to build solidarity between movements for social and economic justice 
between Montreal and the Middle East.


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