[LCM Articles] [Leb4ever] CEOs from Intel & Cisco Head Delegation to Lebanon

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sat Sep 23 17:27:16 EDT 2006

Presidential Delegation to Beirut, Lebanon to Discuss Rebuilding Priorities 

". Four distinguished private-sector leaders - Dr. Craig Barrett, chairman,
Intel Corporation; Mr. John Chambers, president and CEO, Cisco Systems; Mr.
Yousif Ghafari, chairman, GHAFARI, Inc.; Dr. Ray Irani, chairman, CEO and
president, Occidential Petroleum Corporation - will launch a nationwide
effort to encourage private donations for reconstruction as a result of this
conflict. In the coming days, they will ask Americans to donate directly to
a fund set up to provide help to the Lebanese people."


More here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060923-1.html


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