[LCM Articles] FWD: The Lebanese American Renaissance Partnership Trip to Lebanon

Firas Abi-Nassif fabinassif at mba2007.hbs.edu
Tue Sep 19 15:46:33 EDT 2006

Dear LCM mailing list members,


Please find attached a forward of the letter that describes in more details
the Lebanon Renaissance Trip, which will take place under the auspices of
the Lebanese Prime Ministry.



From: Firas Abi-Nassif [mailto:fabinassif at mba2007.hbs.edu] 
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:27 PM
To: 'lebanon-articles at mit.edu'
Subject: FW: The Lebanese American Renaissance Partnership Trip to Lebanon


Dear LCM mailing list members,


I thought you may be interested in the following announcement regarding an
initiative led by the Honorable Walid Maalouf, who was one of the main
speakers at TECHLEB'06.


The Honorable Walid Maalouf is leading in his personal capacity the Lebanese
American Renaissance Partnership Trip to Lebanon, an initiative that aims to
rebuild Lebanon after the July 06 war and that consists of a Lebanese
American business delegation of 250 businessmen/women and professionals from
around the nation in a historic trip to Lebanon for a two-day conference
(October 13 - October 14, 2006) aiming to support the Lebanese government's
institutions, to lift up the spirit of the Lebanese people and, in
consultation with the USAID office in Beirut, to give substantial donations
to Lebanese municipalities in order to encourage local governments.


For those interested in being members of the delegation, please use the
following contact information: 


Walid Maalouf: wmaalouf at msn.com, or Wissam Yafi, member of the initiative's
committee:  <mailto:will at tidwit.com> will at tidwit.com.


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