[LCM Articles] Position at AUB

Danielle C Tarraf dtarraf at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 1 10:47:01 EST 2006

A faculty position in the area of mechatronics/MEMS will be opening up at 
AUB. I encourage you to please forward this announcement to people you know 
in the field.


Position in mechatronics and micromechatronics

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & 
Architecture, American University of Beirut invites applications to fill a 
faculty position at the assistant professor level. Exceptional candidates 
with established research and teaching credentials may be considered at the 
associate professor rank. Visiting faculty applications are also welcome.

Applications are sought in the primary area of mechatronics and 
micromechatronics with complementary expertise in one or more of the 
following areas: mechanics, material science, sensors and controls, 
biomedical related applications and MEMS.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering or in 
closely related field with a minimum of three years of professional and/or 
teaching experience. At least one degree must have been earned in 
mechanical engineering, although both the bachelor and doctorate degrees in 
ME are preferred. The applicant is expected to teach graduate and 
undergraduate courses in the candidate's field as well as fundamental 
courses in Mechanical Engineering, participate in program development and 
be active in research. Applicants must display a commitment to scholarly 
work and research that will lead to external funding and journal and 
conference publications. Postdoctoral experience in teaching and an 
interdisciplinary research orientation are desirable.

Salary is commensurate with education and experience. To ensure full 
consideration, applications must be received by December 30, 2006. The 
proposed starting date for the position is September 18, 2007. Initial 
screening of applicants will begin January 5, 2007. The application pool 
will remain open until position is filled.

Applicants should include a complete resume, a brief statement of their 
interests that includes their vision of their teaching and research, and 
the names and addresses of at least three references. The complete 
application should be sent via air mail before December 30, 2006 to: Dean 
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, American University of Beirut, 
P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El-Solh, Beirut 1107-2020, Lebanon. An electronic 
copy must aslo be sent by email to: <mailto:fea at aub.edu.lb>fea at aub.edu.lb.
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