[LCM Articles] Giyus.org

Alberto Haddad albertohaddad at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 31 23:19:38 EDT 2006

A quick thought.


In recent days, we have received quite a few calls to vote for CNN surveys
or others in order to voice our opinion.  You might be interested to know
that as we receive email forwards and get busy forwarding them in return,
the folks at "giyus" (Give Israel Your United Support) have automated the
process making it a lot simpler to be quickly informed of these surveys and
automatically vote pro-Israel with one click.  Check out:

 <http://www.giyus.org/> http://www.giyus.org/

The "vote" button does not offer a choice.  It automatically votes on their
behalf If readers click it (be warned).


You will also get a compendium of articles, videos with satellite
pinpointing at fire origin location, blogs, RSS feeds.


If some of you are technically skilled and can create a similar website
(GLYUS - as in Give Lebanon Your United Support) with an RSS and a tool to
aggregate news, information, photos and videos, it would help decrease the
number of emails with article attachments, or powerpoint slides being
circulated, and would increase the efficiency and effectiveness with which
information is exchanged.  People could also react to polls automatically
and share views, blogs, etc...





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