[LCM Articles] Lebanon a Nation, not a Battleground

Assef Zobian azobian at ces-us.com
Mon Jul 31 17:13:47 EDT 2006

Lebanon a Nation, not a Battleground



The 14March-US movement met and stated that it:


1-     Denounces the Israeli aggression over Lebanon;

2-     Strongly rejects efforts to turn Lebanon into a battleground for
foreign entities;

3-     Denounces Syria and Iran's hold over the decision of war and peace in

4-     Rejects single-sided decisions of war, standing by a democratized
Lebanon, considering the Lebanese Government as the exclusive Legitimate
party to negotiate on behalf of the entire Lebanese population over all of
Lebanon's territory, being the exclusive withholder of the decision of war
and peace, rejecting that Lebanon remains hostage of regional and
international considerations;

5-     Supports the Lebanese Government, its positions, and those of its
Prime Minister Fuad Seniora, considering what is happening in Lebanon as a
scheme of the Syrian regime to defeat the freedom and independence
revolution, the revolution of March 14, 2005;

6-     Considers the kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers and the timing of
such operation as part of the Iranian agenda to divide the attention of the
international community from its nuclear program. As it considers the timing
to be a Syrian requisite and a direct Syrian answer to the National
Dialogue, the International Tribunal, the achievements of the investigation
in the matter of the assassination of previous Prime Minister Hariri, and a
message from the Assad regime to the Lebanese people who rose up during the
revolution of March 14.

7-     Stresses on the implementation of the Taef Agreement, and the
Lebanese Government's spread of its authority and sovereignty and the
deployment of the Lebanese Army over all of the Lebanese territory;

8-     Demands the full and immediate implementation of all United Nations
Security Council Resolutions regarding Lebanon, especially UNSC Resolution

9-     Demands an immediate and complete cease-fire to allow the Lebanese
Government and the international community's efforts to solve the problems
emanating from the latest incidents and their consequences, in a permanent

10- Stresses on the need for a fair and quick solution concerning all

11- Requests from the international community its support to the Lebanese
Government and its legitimate military institutions enabling them to impose
the Lebanese Government's authority on all of the Lebanese territory;

12- Requests the international community's assistance in helping Lebanon
recover its sovereignty over the Shebaa Farms through diplomatic means and
the drawing of its entire borders;

13- Stresses on the need to revert to the 1949 Armistice Agreement.


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