[LCM Articles] Please flag this Facebook group

Abdallah Jabbour abdallah.jabbour at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 03:00:45 EDT 2006

* I was given permission by Loai to post this request on lebanon-articles *

For those of you on the Facebook, there's a group there called "Support
Israel... Here's to total destruction of Palestine and Lebanon." Here's what
they say to introduce the group:

It is no secret that Islam wants to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. They
have tried it numerous times to only get their ass kicked numerous times. If
Palestine and Lebanon stopped firing rockets into Israel there would be
peace. If Israel stopped firing into Palestine and Lebanon, Israel would be
destroyed. This war effects us all. I'm sure you've noticed at the gas
pumps. Since America has lost its testicles over the past 15 years we've
noticed an increase in terrorism. Thanks to Israel we don't have to worry
about Palestine, Lebanon and it also puts a tremendous amount of pressure on
Iran and Syria. If America gets involved in this war which I support, look
forward to a draft. Young men, it could perhaps be a time where ole Uncle
Sam comes to collect the price for your freedom. Unless Israel can do it by
herself. Which is why I'm supporting her.

There will be no second Holocaust

We need to FLAG it to force the Facebook administrator to take this group
off the website. The more people reporting this group, the better our
chances are to get rid of it.

Here's the link: http://mit.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204756222. Click on
"Report Group", state the reason as "attacks individual or group" (or
"violence"), and explain why in the comments field.

Please forward to all your friends.


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