[LCM Articles] We love you Robert Fisk!

Ziad Al Bawab ziadalbawab at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 22:13:46 EDT 2006

I regret to hear that there are Lebanese who feel this way to other Arab
people. I, for one, don't feel the same way as you do!


On 7/24/06, rmekary at aol.com <rmekary at aol.com> wrote:
>   Thanks Bassam, I could not have expressed this any better. And I feel
> the same way as you do.
> Rania Mekary.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bmekari at aol.com
> To: rmekary at aol.com; rabih at mit.edu; philippesaad at gmail.com
> Sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 7:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] We love you Robert Fisk!
>  I sort of agree with rmekary.....I am not sure why some of you did not
> give this guy Robert Fisk a credit because all what he was trying to do is
> to tell a good story about the Lebanese people and guess what, some of you
> took it in a negative tone and wanted to shoot him down....This is
> sad......  From my perspective, hats off to him.....My advise to you all is
> to get this monkey off your back, stop bickering about the Arabs
> and wanting to prove that Lebanese are Arabs etc.  From my perspective friend,
> I can care less however, I saw nothing but destruction, corruption,
> backstabbing and pain from the so called Arab neighbors so, why should I
> fight and say ...Hey I am Arabic; while I am truly so proud of myself but
> so ashamed of most Arabs and their mentality and way of thinking.
>  Have you checked your genes and see how many of the good Arabic genes you
> have?????? You will be surprised.......All & all, I think most of the
> Lebanese wish that never spoke Arabic nor ever existed in such close
> proximity to them......I do not like how I feel but I cannot
> help it.....Sometimes you can ask yourself and think Hum....why Bassamfeels like this towards the Arabs?  and, would he felt different towards
> them if they were different and good neighbors etc....After all, who said
> (Arab Jarab)?????
> If they not change how they think and try to look at life from a positive
> aspect and not be brainwashed by some silly leaders, they are going no
> where......
> You be the judge.
> Love you all.......
> Bassam Rossi Mekari, MS, PE
> Managing Partner
> Three Fold Consultants, LLC
> 1515 Poydras St., Suite 1875
> New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
> Off: 504-799-3653
> Direct: 504-799-3656
> Cel1: 225-205-3490
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rmekary at aol.com
> To: rabih at mit.edu; philippesaad at gmail.com
> Sent: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 5:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] We love you Robert Fisk!
>   Hi Philippe and Rabih,
> Before you both criticize Robert Fisk, I respect your opinion and I
> respect all Arabs.  But if you really study the history of Lebanon, you will
> realize that we are not Arabs but we are Phoeneciens.  This is the pure
> truth and I am sure you studied this in the history and you remember your
> teacher telling you that there was a debate among historians about whether
> they write about Lebanon that is is a phenecian country with and Arabic
> facet or an Arabic country... Do not forget that our true language is not
> Arabic and our true alphabet is not the Arabic alphabet and our true numbers
> are the 1; 2; 3 ; that we abandoned... bc of the Islamic invasion and the
> Coran was written in Arabic and we had to learn it and speak it.
> You may dislike what I am saying if you were Muslim, but I really don't
> care bc I am only saying the facts and I respect all religions... but come
> on, do not deny facts and yes I agree with Robert Fisk: Lebanese people
> are different from the surrounding countries.
> I dont want to say more.
> Thank you.
> Rania.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Rania Mekary, Ph.D.
> Harvard School of Public Health
> Nutrition Department
> 655 Huntington Avenue, Building 2
> Boston, Ma 02115
> Voice mail: 617-432-6343
> Fax: 617-432-2435
> http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/researchers/rmekary.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rabih at mit.edu
> To: philippesaad at gmail.com
> Cc: lebanon-articles at mit.edu
> Sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] We love you Robert Fisk!
> Philip,
> I was being sarcastic.
> The point of my email was to show how much racism is part of the big
> picture in how the West deals with the middle east, and who present it is
> (whether consciously or unconsciously) in the discourse of the West, to the
> point where even someone like Robert Fisk, whom we consider a champion of
> the Arab cause, can utter such idiocies.
> -rabih
> On 7/20/06, Philippe Charles Saad <philippesaad at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > This a shame!
> > What does this "they don't look like the Arab world" mean? Are Arabs
> > Animals? 2nd degree human being?
> > what is this racizm?
> > What's wrong with the Arab world?
> > If we are sophisticated, educated, cosmopolitan... how does this tie to
> > the fact that "we don't look like the Arab world"
> > Aren't we tired of those cliches?
> > Ohh yeah Lebanese are not Arabs... what is all is nonsense! I won't even
> > mention the whole stupid discourse of phoenicians!!
> > Who cares who we are Arabs, Phoenicians , meditteraneans, Greeks, maybe
> > we have Romans,  crusaders, kurdish or Indian blood!
> > Guys who cares, trade was all over the place and people were mixing all
> > through teh ages
> >
> > If Robert Fiske did a good job reporting about the situation all a long
> > the years of war, this does not mean that all what he says is sacred!! come
> > on guys a little critical sense, a little pride.
> > Stop escaping what you are and  mirror yourself to what you are not
> > because Europeans or Americans have engrained in you the fact that they
> > are a better race than Arabs, than chinese , than indians. No one is
> > better than any other one.
> >
> > And now instead of all standing together and seeing our differences as a
> > richness to stop Israel from bombing, we are abiding by the argument that
> > Lebanese are not like the Arabs.
> > What a shame,
> > I am disgusted....
> >
> >  On 7/20/06, Rabih Zbib < rabih at mit.edu> wrote:
> >
> > >  We are infinitely greatful for our dearest friend Robert Fisk for the
> > privilige of elevating us to the rank of full human beings, much
> > different than those other Arabs!
> >
> > It amazes me -- I mean, living here in Beirut, as I have for 30 years.
> > Here are the Lebanese people, sophisticated, educated, cosmopolitan, people
> > who don't look like the Arab world, they look like us; I mean, people who
> > could be quite at home on the streets of Paris or New York and London, and
> > some of them are; people who read, who are very well educated; people who
> > speak English fluently, French beautifully, and fluent Arabic, as well, of
> > course; and who, when they die in such large numbers, the best we can
> > produce is a call for restraint by the State Department and a claim by the
> > British, our own dear Tony Blair, that the Israelis are using
> > disproportionate force.
> > http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/19/1345257
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Philippe Charles Saad
> > 473 Adams Street, Apt 1
> > Dorchester, MA 02122
> > +1 617 230 6670
> > psaad at alum.mit.edu
> >
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