[LCM Articles] [LSAB] A cease-fire???? what for!!!!!!

David Moufarege david_moufarege at berkeley.edu
Sun Jul 23 05:27:46 EDT 2006

Hi everyone
please check this if u haven t yet

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <nadinej at berkeley.edu>
To: <lsab at lists.berkeley.edu>; <lebanon-articles at mit.edu>; 
<arizkall at ucla.edu>
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 6:35 AM
Subject: [LSAB] A cease-fire???? what for!!!!!!

> Hi everyone,
> Please check out the attached pdf file and forward it to spread the word
> about the current Lebanese crisis caused by Israeli atrocities.
> Nadine 

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