[LCM Articles] We love you Robert Fisk!

Rabih Zbib rabih at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 21 00:00:32 EDT 2006


I was being sarcastic.

The point of my email was to show how much racism is part of the big picture
in how the West deals with the middle east, and who present it is (whether
consciously or unconsciously) in the discourse of the West, to the point
where even someone like Robert Fisk, whom we consider a champion of the Arab
cause, can utter such idiocies.


On 7/20/06, Philippe Charles Saad <philippesaad at gmail.com> wrote:
> This a shame!
> What does this "they don't look like the Arab world" mean? Are Arabs
> Animals? 2nd degree human being?
> what is this racizm?
> What's wrong with the Arab world?
> If we are sophisticated, educated, cosmopolitan... how does this tie to
> the fact that "we don't look like the Arab world"
> Aren't we tired of those cliches?
> Ohh yeah Lebanese are not Arabs... what is all is nonsense! I won't even
> mention the whole stupid discourse of phoenicians!!
> Who cares who we are Arabs, Phoenicians, meditteraneans, Greeks, maybe we
> have Romans,  crusaders, kurdish or Indian blood!
> Guys who cares, trade was all over the place and people were mixing all
> through teh ages
> If Robert Fiske did a good job reporting about the situation all a long
> the years of war, this does not mean that all what he says is sacred!! come
> on guys a little critical sense, a little pride.
> Stop escaping what you are and  mirror yourself to what you are not
> because Europeans or Americans have engrained in you the fact that they are
> a better race than Arabs, than chinese, than indians. No one is better than
> any other one.
> And now instead of all standing together and seeing our differences as a
> richness to stop Israel from bombing, we are abiding by the argument that
> Lebanese are not like the Arabs.
> What a shame,
> I am disgusted....
> On 7/20/06, Rabih Zbib <rabih at mit.edu> wrote:
> > We are infinitely greatful for our dearest friend Robert Fisk for the
> privilige of elevating us to the rank of full human beings, much different
> than those other Arabs!
> It amazes me -- I mean, living here in Beirut, as I have for 30 years.
> Here are the Lebanese people, sophisticated, educated, cosmopolitan, people
> who don't look like the Arab world, they look like us; I mean, people who
> could be quite at home on the streets of Paris or New York and London, and
> some of them are; people who read, who are very well educated; people who
> speak English fluently, French beautifully, and fluent Arabic, as well, of
> course; and who, when they die in such large numbers, the best we can
> produce is a call for restraint by the State Department and a claim by the
> British, our own dear Tony Blair, that the Israelis are using
> disproportionate force.
>  http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/19/1345257
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> Philippe Charles Saad
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