[LCM Articles] Weapons search team inspectors are needed in Lebanon

Fadi Daou daoufadi at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 18:01:25 EDT 2006

  I hesitated if I should reply or not, then I came across the following website, and all I can think of was you,  www.fromisraeltolebanon.org
  So please do us a favor adn don't post to this list anymore, at least I do not want to see this crap
  We are so blessed in Lebanon, I only came across 3 others so far who share your views, they aspire to a civilization shown on the pictures of the two girls sending a message to the Lebanese
  Fadi Daou

MalekSimona at aol.com wrote:
        July 16, 2006    
  Israel Attack on terrorists is a sign of hope to my homeland Lebanon.
  Outsiders weapons search team inspectors are needed
   to disarm all organizations, and parties in Lebanon.  
  The Lebanese government has not been existed since 1975.  
  Today Lebanese government is run by the "Lebanon take-over" terrorist organizations.  Should the occupied Lebanese government refuses to disarm organizations and parties, the United Nation should cancel Lebanon membership, and review the ownership of the land, to give it back to the indigenous people of Lebanon, the Assyrian.
The Arab/Islamic leaders whom live in Lebanon and gained a Lebanese citizenship are most of them loyal to Arab ideology and Islamic, than to so called Lebanon.
  Their Lebanon wanted or view is to be an Arab Lebanon and to be an Islamic Lebanon, that uses Shiria Laws, drifting into eliminating the unity, and ignoring the rights of the indigenous people of Lebanon, the Assyrian.   
  There are many huge number of Islamic from Lebanon also gained Canadian citizen, however make no mistake, you find many of them will strike Canadian interest with terrorism activities, at the same time, continue to enjoy the privilege of having the Canadian citizenship.  Their loyalty is for their own tribes or their religious entity.
  To summarize some events about Lebanon.  
  The Arab started their wars in 1958 against Lebanese whom refuse to be called Arab or Islamic.  Lebanese of non Arab identity, such as Maronite Christian and other Christian non Arabic Lebanese could not stand the Islamic and Arab attacks on them.  The  President Camel Shamoun, called in 1958 for US military help to stop Arab outsiders forces (Gamal Abit Al-Nassar forces).  They were eliminated in few days. 
  Once again, the Arab and Islamic brought war into Lebanon in 1975.  Israel help us, the Lebanese, to hold in our freedom and liberty. 
  Israel provided Lebanese Army in south Lebanon in 1977 with help, and allowed people in south Lebanon to be free, by providing them a safe heaven. 
  In 1987 Syria bombed Lebanon so hard, that thousand of our Lebanese got killed, hospitals were bombed, electrical and gas companies were bombed too. It was Israel whom ordered Syria to stop bombing or face a counter attack. Without Israel intervention, Lebanon would be than felt in hands of Arab and Islamic. 
It is up to this date, Syria refuse to open their prisons, and let ten of thousands of Lebanese prisoners be free. It is estimated at least of over fifty thousand prisoners in Syria jails for over twenty years because they opposed Syria and Arab ideology. 
  Israel helped Lebanon in 1982, when it came and eliminated terrorist Yazar Arafat forces. Israel attacks on PLO terrorist helped shift the military power more in favour of the Lebanese non-Arab forces, however, the Lebanese non-Arab leader Late Bashir Gemyal refused to co-operate with Israel in term of peace.  Syria intelligent eliminated him and many more Lebanese leaders whom stood against Syria.... 
  Lebanon dove into hands of terrorists more deeply in 1989 and 1990 by the Taif Accord.  The Arab and Islamic organization put such accord by force, and been imposed by force upon all Lebanese.  The Taif Accord stated that Lebanon has an Arab identity, and changed our Lebanese constitution in a manner as Arab and Islamic wished without Lebanese referendum or any say. 
Also, the Taif Accord forced Lebanese non-Arab forces (Christian) to surrender their guns. That was a big mistake on the part of Lebanese non-Arab in trusting as well as in getting millions as a bribe to agree and sign the agreement at the expense of Lebanon national existence.  
  The Lebanese of non-Arab, and non Islamic forces gave their weapons according to Taif Accord, but Hazaballah and Islamic forces refused to do so, but claimed to be "Resistance" for Lebanon.  An excuse, in which no Lebanese can object to them if he/she wanted to stay alive and have a job in government. 
  This year 2006, Israel responded to the attack of the terrorist group such as Hazaballah whom control Lebanese government and land. 
Hazaballah went from south Lebanon and kidnapped Israel soldiers, bombed Israel almost in constant period. That forced Israel to defend itself. 
  What will happen next after Israel stop its offensive in about few weeks? 
  I truly believe strongly that HazabAllah leaderships are fools.     Their top foolish one is this guy, Hassan Nas-rallah.   Hassan NasRallah issued yesterday, July 15, his threat to western countries, that his terrorist groups will attack.  That also includes an attack on Canada, in which HazabAllah do have strong organization and publications in Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal, Windsor and other Canadian cities.   It is estimated HazabAllah military active  members in Canada around two thousands.  
  I do believe that just attacks on Canadian and American interest can easily happen, so the pressure on Canadian government to sell-out to Hazab-Allah wishes can go smooth.  
  If Canadian government block them, they will carry out a small bombing scale, that alone will deeply disrupting western economic and even force Canada into depression. 
  After only few days counter Israeli attack, the terrorist leadership of Hazab-Allah  *(Hazab means "Party") has lost their power control in Lebanon.  Their Hazab Allah military resources and political power became weak day after day. 
The Lebanese Shiaa should take their hands off and stop supporting HazabAllah if they wanted their life to be safe from being murdered by Islamic Sinnah.   However, this is unlikely.
  The shift of military power in Lebanon will change, however, who will be the winner. 
  Look very closely, the Saudia Arabia and the Islamic Sinnah are secretly happy of Israel attack, as it is cleaning their garbage, so other Islamic can take over Lebanon, after eliminating Hazaballah. 
  I personally support Israel attack on terrorists in Lebanon.  Our Lebanese government has been not existed since 1975, and today Lebanese government is run by take-over terrorist organizations.  
  We the Lebanese are not Arab nor are Islamic, same as Canada is not an Arab or Islamic, but many Arab and Islamic do have Canadian citizenships.
  In my final say, I salute Israeli government for taken such a difficult agreement, to go after terrorists in their homes, bringing forward an end to Hazab-Allah control to my homeland Lebanon.
  Ashur Simon Malek
  66 Elora Drive, Unit 30
  Hamilton, Ontario  L9C 7B3
  Tel. (905) 902-8283
  ashur_simon_malek at yahoo.com
  maleksimona at aol.com

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