[LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...

Michel Rbeiz mrbeiz at alum.mit.edu
Tue Jul 18 23:53:14 EDT 2006

Beirut: Crisis shows, threatens unity

On 7/18/06, Jimmy Kassis <kingkassis at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Instead of replying with emotionally charged responses, full of personal
> attacks, I would appreciate if you actually come up with alternative ideas
> of disarming Hisballah, i.e. curing the deadly cancer, rather than giving
> it a Tylenol by saying STOP THE WAR!!  I want to know what is next?? spend
> the next 20 years negotiating with them while they build up their
> capabilities again?
>  ------------------------------
> From: kingkassis at hotmail.com
> To: philippesaad at gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 23:22:38 -0400
> CC: leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; lebanon-articles at mit.edu
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people??
> Rania,
> I don't think I am stating the obvious.  After reading all the comments
> sent out, the "obvious" is that no one seems to have the balls to speak out
> against Hezbollah for fear of being labeled unpatriotic.  For a
> condemnation of Hezbollah is perceived as support for Israel which in itself
> is unpatriotic
> Farrah
> I don't condone Israel destroying all of Lebanon.  95% of the bombing has
> been targeted to Hezbollah strongholds.  Hezbollah chooses to operate from
> within civilian areas. That in itself is outrageous; the people supporting
> Hezbollah should not allow them to launch attacks form hospital rooftops.
> We should all rise up and speak out against that.  Again I don't condone
> the destruction of my own country, but I understand the other 5% of the
> bombing that Israel is doing to send a message to the Lebanese government.
> Elias
> Israel may not defeat them completely but they will sure weaken them to
> the point where just maybe the Lebanese army can dare to venture to the
> south and do what is supposed to do and patrol the border.
> Israeli exacting revenge on the Lebanese??   Why? For what?   You and I
> both know that Israel only want security on its northern border.  They
> have proven that when they COMPLETELY withdrew in 2000.
> Maurice
> I won't disappear. Deal with it.
> I don't agree with taking the country back 20 years.  But I want a
> solution a permanent one.  I am sick and tired of holding Hezbollah's hand
> begging them to disarm.  At the rate we are moving with Hezbollah and
> Syria they would have taken us back 20 years anyways.
> Philippe
> Before you go questioning my Lebanese identity, my patriotism, and calling
> me a coward let me tell you something about myself.  My house was burned
> to the ground by the Druze in 1981; my house was then leveled to the ground
> by the Israeli invasion in 1982 in the mountains.  My house again
> destroyed in Beirut and my mother badly injured from Syrian shelling in
> 1989.  And some more destruction was piled on my house and family from the
> Lebanese Forces with their war with GMA.  Despite all that, I love
> Lebanon, I love the people, and I believe in a united Lebanon with
> Christians and Muslims living together as one people. I truly believe in
> that vision.
> I don't believe us as Lebanese have united enough to disarm Hezbollah.  Hezbollah
> being the undisputed puppets of Syria and Iran, I hold them responsible for
> the death of some of the finest people that Lebanon ever produced from
> Hariri and Tueini to the rest you know the list I won't repeat here.  After
> what round of talks were you expecting Hezbollah to disarm?  Hezbollah
> wanted every Arab and Iranian issue resolved before they did anything.  Is
> that what you want? I am tired as stated of listening to their lame ass
> excuses of why they need to be armed.   Yes the death of 250 civilians is
> horrible, but if the end result is a country free of militias in peace with
> ALL its neighbors working to build a bright future for its children, then
> their death is well worth it.
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Michel Rbeiz
Mail: PO Box 723, Allston, MA 02134
Phone: 617.230.8116(c), 617.253.6018(w)
Email: mrbeiz at alum.mit.edu
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