[LCM Articles] Figures and facts about Lebanon

S H shraybi at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 24 16:27:40 EST 2006

I would dout a lot of things listed here.


I am sure they don't belong to Lebanon or Lebanese..at least they are hard 
to believe

but, in general..very interesting...good job

Thanks Randa


----Original Message Follows----
From: Randa <rhartm1 at yahoo.com>
To: lebanon-articles at mit.edu
Subject: [LCM Articles] Figures and facts about Lebanon
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:16:20 -0800 (PST)

     Check out these amazing figures & facts...  Taking into consideration 
the tiny dimensions of Lebanon:

    1)   17 Religious communities

    2)   40 Daily newspapers

    3)   42 Universities

    4)   Over 100 Banks

    5)   70% of the students are in private schools

    6)   There's 1 doctor/10 people. (In Europe & the US, there's 1 
doctor/100 people)

    7)   The name "Lebanon" appears 75 times in the Old Testament!

    8)   The name "Cedar" appears 75 times in the Old Testament!

    9)   Beirut was destroyed and rebuilt 7 times. (This is why it's 
compared to the Phoenix)

    10) There are 3,500,000 Lebanese in Lebanon.

    11) There are 5,630,000 Lebanese outside Lebanon.

    12) The country was occupied by:  Assyrians - Babylonians - Byzantines - 
Persians- Pharaohs - Persians - Alexander the Great - Roman Empire - 
Crusaders - Ottoman Empire- Britain - France - Israel Syria

13)    Byblos is the oldest city in the world.

14)    Lebanon's name has been around for over 4000 years. (It's the oldest 
name in the world)

15)    Lebanon is the only country in Asia/Africa that doesn't have a 

16)    There are 15 rivers in Lebanon; all of them flowing from its 

17)    The first Alphabet was created by Cadmus in Byblos.

18)    Lebanon is the country with the most published books per capita.

19)    Jesus Christ made his first miracle in Lebanon.

20)    The Phoenicians created the first boat ever.

21)    Phoenicians reached the Americas long before Columbus.

22)    The 1st. law school in the world was built in Lebanon.

23)    160,000 people died in the civil war and we can add much more.

   Please challenge their accuracy or add some more solid ones!


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