[LCM Articles] Bye General Aoun

Joe Khoury jkhoury at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 20 18:02:59 EST 2006

That's an email that was forwarded to me. It's about a Christian in Lebanon 
addressing General Michel Aoun...


 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>Dear Everyone,>>>>>>>>Well, it's really sad that I've never addressed everyone before excepton this sad occasion.>>>>Most of you probably don't know me. Well I'm an 18 yrs old LebaneseChristian. I didn't live during the Lebanese Civil War-except probably inits end- but fortunately it seems like we're going to have a replay.Why isthat???Just look at who we're following, so-called leaders who make usbelieve what they want is the same as what we want...Unfotunately, thisisn't the case. I'm going to criticize those in the opposition now since Iobviously disagree with the illusion they're providing.>>>>>>>>For instance, I keep wondering why is it that Hizballah's weapon isstill there??? Well, didn't it cause yet damage???Most of FPMmembers(tayyar) used to think like me, but unfortunately just becauseGeneral Michel Aoun says we need to defend Hizballah's weapon, you doit...it's quite ironic!
  how you're called the "Free" Patriotic Movement whenyou're not really "free" to think what's right and what's wrong, you're justtaught what to do.>>>>>>>>I wasn't here 2 decades ago but I've always heard the FPM members bragabout how the General fought the Lebanese Forces under the title of "Noweapons but that of the Lebanese army"....Please General can you explain tome what changed since then?>>>>How is Hizballah's weapon any different??? Why weren't Christiansallowed to defend themselves from Syrians and Palestenians when the armywouldn't do that for them??Isn't it ironic that you fought Christians withweapons???I guess you can't see any Christian being in control but you...>>>>It's sick... I think you have an issue with ego...I would have changedmy mind if you nominated someone else from the FPM for being president ofthe republic, but unfortunately NO!You're the only runner-up for that chairyou've been seeking.>>>>>>>>Now, let's talk about the idea of a government, the !
 "dawle" they saythey want...Well, according to what we refer t!
 o as "co
mmon knowledge", agovernment is a place where defending the country is done by the army (Iknew the General was on that side before...unfortunately, THEY don't him onthat side anymore), and it's a place where we ALL are equal.Now, none ofthese conditions is obviously satisfied since Hizballah's has taken the roleof the army and since he>>>>monopolized the resistance...."ISLAMIC RESISTACE" (IT SAYS SO ON HISFLAG)....On the other hand, I heard that few members of the Lebanese Forceswere arrested for military training and possession of arms...I wonder, "Whyaren't they allowed to be prepared as well????". As it was obviouslyrevealed during the war, the Israeli army attacked Mount Lebanon cities aswell.>>>>So why should the possession of weapons be restricted to the South andto Hizballah only????Why aren't we equal??Either we all have weapons, orjust the army....YOU PICK!!!!>>>>>>>>They say the government was elected in a "wrong" way...They want it toresign...That's the most cynic!
  of parodies..Why don't the president of therepublic resign as well????I don't remember that he was reelected in the"right" way either..Changing the laws to fit your size isn't the same asfollowing the laws...He changed the constitution and claims  to  havefollowed the constitution he created!!!!..Do not say you want "politicalreform" when you just want to fix things that'll suite you...That's simplyillogical. You ask for economical reform...I wonder why should we pay thetaxes>>>>of the South, why should our parents work to pay their bills???>>>>>>>>You'd probably say, "dialogue should come before Hizballa giving in hisarms". I wonder how could that be possible? How can you have a properdialogue with someone who leaves the discussion everytime he's not givenwhat he's wanted? How can you have a dialogue with someone who wants tosolve all the world's problems before giving in his weapons??? How can youhave a dialogue with someone who wants to liberate Shibha, Syrian Julan,def!
 end the Palestenian case, fight along Iran's side??????How can!
  you hav
e adialogue with someone who refuses to give his weapons until all these fightshave been fought???The key to dialogue is no "prior-judgement", and it seemsHizballah's policy is not to be negotiable for they take the choices beforethey go in to the discussion rooms....>>>>>>>>Well, they refuse U.S. help and all other help but accept the Iranianand Syrian help...I remember that Syria did what's beyond the imaginable toour sons..Remember???What's different between Syria and any other enemy? Anenemy is someone who occupies your place, steals your stuff, kills yourfamily, kidnap your friends, puts you under a state of fear... Isn't thatwhat Syria did for the last 3 decades of it's "sisterly" presence inLebanon???So that makes it just like any other enemy to me... So you'reasking for a government and disobeying the major rules of a government???Youwant a dialogue when you've already made up your mind???You only accept agovernment that agrees with your demands at the expense of the!
  country???Are you...rational???sane???>>>>>>>>Hizballah's weapon never was pointed inside but it did enough damagewith it pointing anywhere; destruction of the infrastructure, tourism,future plans, investments, immigration...and you're still saying it servesLebanon..."NO! apparently not anymore".. You say you want to participate inthe big issues,"Why weren't we allowed to participate in the choice of Warand Peace???">>>>Why didn't we have a say in that matter???Isn't it important enough???>>>>Why are some decisions to be discussed while others aren't meant tobe?????>>>>>>>>If Iran and Syria wants you to do so and so, well no problem "Go do itin Syria and Iran" but don't expect to fight their fights on our expense andon Lebanese territory.>>>>>>>>General Aoun, i know you like being under the spotlight, and I know youlike people clapping for you. Trust me, I'll be the first to clap for youonce you've settled on ONE AND ONLY ONE ideology. I'll be clapping for youas well if yo!
 u for once put the Christian stand before your own...But i'llb!
 e clappi
ng for you the most and  from all my heart and with no hardfeelings,when you take the best decision in your life,when you take thechoice that'll save the Christians a huge deal of suffering,when you finallybuy that one-way ticket back to France...or Syria and Iran if that's yourbest choice now...>>>>>>>>>>>>Best Regards,>>>> A concerned christian>>

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