[LCM Articles] Our young children..

jad mezher jado_m at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 09:41:15 EST 2006

Let’s forget about the world and concentrate on Lebanon for a change.....
  And by the way there's a big difference between swearing allegiance to the flag of the country and swearing allegiance to the flag of one party that is at odds with the whole country..... 
  Something to think about.
  Let's hope the Lebanese anthem will be the dominating chant from now on.

"Amer M.A. Khayyat" <AKhayyat at slb.com> wrote:  To be honest I find this video scarier than the one posted by Hanna Walid...

This little multicultural, happy looking group of American kids through their actions, or inaction pose a much larger threat to the world at large than the Lebanese kids shown in the previous video...


Amer Khayyat

At 02:40 18/12/2006, Hanna Walid wrote:
  is this what we're teaching them?


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