[LCM Articles] Fwd: FW: Olmert and Abul Abed
Tania Zoummar
tzoummar at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 16 16:44:26 EDT 2006
... a slightly different version from the earlier one... enjoy!
>>Olmert and Abul Abed
>>Olmert was sitting in his office wondering how to invade Lebanon
>>when his telephone rang.
>>Hallo, Mr. Olmert!" a heavily accented voice said. "This is Abul
>>Abed,down at the tea house in Beirut! I am callin` to tell ya
>>dat we are officially declaring war on you, yes you!"
>>"Well" Olmert replied, "This is indeed important news! How big
>>is your army?"
>>"Right now," said Abul Abed, after a moment calculation "there
>>is myself, my cousin Mustafa, me next-door-neighbor Abou khaled,
>>and the whole team from the tea house. That makes eight!"
>>Olmert paused. "I must tell you Abul Abed, that I have one
>>million men in my army waiting to move on my command."
>>"Holy jeez," said Abul Abed. "I`ll have to call ya back!" Sure
>>enough, the next day, Abul Abed called
>>again. "Mr. Olmert, the war is
>>still on!We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!"
>>"And what equipment would that be Abul Abed?", Olmert
>>asked."Well sir, we have two Mercedes 180, and a truck."
>>Olmert sighed. "I must tell you Abul Abed, that I have 16,000
>>tanks and 14,000 armoured personnel carriers. Also I`ve increased
>>army to one and a half million since we last spoke."
>>"Ya lateef", said A Abul Abed, "I`ll be getting back to ya."
>>Sure enough, Abul Abed rang again the next day. "Mr. Olmert ,
>>the war is still on! We have managed to get ourselves airborne! We
>>modified a helicopter with a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and
>>more neighbors have joined us as well!"
>>Olmert was silent for a minute then cleared his throat. "I must
>>tell you Abul Abed that I have 10,000 bombers and 20,000 fighter
>>planes. My
>>military complex is surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air
>>missile sites. And since we last spoke, I`ve increased my army to
>>"Lah lah lah lah," said Abul Abed, "I`ll have to call you back."
>>Sure enough, Abul Abed called again the next day. "Mr. Olmert I
>>am sorry to have to tell you dat we have had to call off this war."
>>"I`m sorry to hear that" said Olmert. "Why the sudden change of
>>"Well, sir," said Abul Abed, "we`ve all sat ourselves down and
>>had a long chat, and come to realize that's no way we can feed two
>>million prisoners."
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