[LCM Articles] Tues 8/8 Protest against Congressman Ed Markey & Israeli
Brahim Dagher
brahim_dagher at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 7 22:42:19 EDT 2006
Congressman Ed Markey needs to stand as an advocate of peace, not an
advocate of Israel. Peace does not pick sides.
Show up to this event in protest of his biased and lopsided perspective of
peace. (Do not bring non-national flags as the original post suggests)
If you are unable to make it to the event to protest his biased approach you
may write to him here
http://markey.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_form&Itemid=124 and tell
him something like this:
Dear Congressman Markie,
I had read that you and Israeli Consul
Meir Shlomo will be speaking in Lexington at Temple Emunah at an
event titled "We Stand With Israel" at http://
Mr Congressman, it is not clear how your alignment with Israel will bring
about a resolution to the current crises between Israel and Lebanon or
Israel and Palestine or Israel and Syria, Iran, Iraq, on and on..
On July 31, Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) gave a thoughtful and passionate
speech on the Senate floor calling for an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon.
Hagel, a leading voice on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, displayed
the kind of leadership and courage Americans have been yearning for since
this crisis began.
"The sickening slaughter on both sides must end now. President Bush must
call for an immediate cease fire. This madness must stop
The United States
must focus all of its leadership and resources on ending this madness in the
Middle East now!"
Senator Hagel also called for the Administration as well as the whole United
States government to take a more balanced approach to Foreign Policy
concerning the Middle East .
"Our relationship with Israel is a special and historic one. But, it need
not and cannot be at the expense of our Arab and Muslim relationships. That
is an irresponsible and dangerous false choice
It is in Israel's interest,
as much as ours, that the United States be seen by all states in the Middle
East as fair. This is the currency of trust."
Congressman Markie, you must begin to take an more even handed approach to
your relations with the Middle Eastern communites which have a presence in
the USA and show the type of courage and leadership demonstrated in Senator
Hagel's words which have been quoted here.
You must realize that peace does not pick sides and begin to act as a
peacemaker by not isolating the communities that have a stake in the outcome
of these crises. It is not clear who the "We" in "We stand with Israel" is??
It is not your constituency because WE STAND WITH PEACE.
Your Name
Your Address
From: David Rolde <davidrolde at comcast.net>
Subject: Tues 8/8 Protest against Congressman Ed Markey & Israeli
Consul Shlomo speaking in support of "Israel" in Lexington
Tomorrow night at 7:45 Congressman Ed Markey and Israeli Consul
Meir Shlomo will be speaking in Lexington at Temple Emunah at an
event titled "We Stand With Israel". Info at http://
www.israelemb.org/boston/events.htm This event is co-sponsored by
all the major Zionist anti-Arab hate groups in the Boston Area
including the JCRC, ADL, CAMERA and the David Project as well as by
the Israeli Government.
It has always been obscene for Ed Markey or anyone else to support
"Israel", the zionist entity, a regime of European colonists
ruling over a country ~ Palestine ~ stolen from the indigenous
Palestinian Arab inhabitants; a regime that refuses to allow equal
rights to indigenous Palestinian Arabs; a regime that refuses to
allow indigenous Palestinian Arab refugees to return to their
homes; a regime that brutally oppresses the indigenous Palestinian
Arabs who remain and that continues a policy of "ethnic cleansing"
that has been ongoing since before 1948; a regime that has
repeatedly attacked nearby Arab and Muslim nations.
It is even more especially obscene for Ed Markey to be supporting
"Israel" now while the Israelis, funded and armed by the US
government, in an unprovoked and unjustifiable act of aggression,
are destroying Lebanon again.
Please join anti-zionist protesters outside the temple at 7:15.
Bring signs and flags (suggested Palestinian and Lebanese flags or
any Arab or Muslim national or resistance flags). Temple Emunah is
at 9 Piper Rd. in Lexington. It's off Waltham St very near the
Waltham Street Exit from Route 2 (Exit 54).
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