[LCM Articles] pallywood

Ayah Bdeir ayah at media.mit.edu
Thu Oct 20 16:29:06 EDT 2005

Very disturbing but also fascinating (short) movie called "Pallywood,.
according to Palestinian sources". 



The (pseudo) documentary tries to make the argument that the images of
violence against Palestinians in the intifada are part of a movie production
aimed at spreading lies against the Israeli security forces. 

 "Welcome to Pallywood. Pallywood is a bustling industry of al fresco
cinema, staged news filmed in real time against the backdrop of a complex
conflict we all think we know. It has directors, make up men, sets, extras,
often playing dead or injured, props, especially ambulances, plenty of
cameramen and sometimes large audiences" (from the movie) 


It's amazing how good argumentation skills, a couple of scenes (that may or
may not be faked by Palestinians) and good use of images can make 4.000
deaths since September 2000, 30.000 injuries and hundreds of destroyed homes
look like a big Hollywood movie. 



- Ayah Bdeir

Master's Candidate in Media Arts and Sciences

Computing Culture Group

MIT Media Lab

 <http://web.media.mit.edu/~ayah> http://web.media.mit.edu/~ayah


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