[LCM Articles] Assault Against Tufts Arab Student

Philippe Charles Saad psaad at MIT.EDU
Thu May 5 16:36:07 EDT 2005

><http://groups.yahoo.com/>  <http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups>My 
>Groups | <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/adcma-news>adcma-news Main 
>Dear Friends,
>Saturday evening, a Tufts University Arab Student was assaulted by 
>three members of a fraternity on campus. According to the students 
>account, he was  knocked to the ground and kicked until he lost 
>consciousness. As the fraternity brothers assaulted the student, 
>they spewed racist slurs such as "Terrorist", "Saddam Supporter" and 
>"Iraqi". The ADCMA is withholding details of this case because of an 
>ongoing investigation by the University and the Attorney General.
>The ADCMA was contacted Sunday by the Tufts Arab Student Association 
>and took the following action immediately:
>1.	Put the student in touch with one of our volunteer attorneys, 
>Laura Malouf, who specializes in Civil Rights.
>2.	Contacted the office of the President.
>3.	Contacted the Civil Rights Division of the Massachusetts 
>Attorney General.
>The President's Office responded to the ADCMA immediately, assuring 
>us that this incident is being taken with the utmost seriousness and 
>a full investigation is being launched. We will be meeting the Dean 
>of Students next week. The Attorney General's Office is conducting 
>an investigation, and Attorney Malouf will determine appropriate 
>legal action on behalf of the student.
>The ADCMA condemns all acts of racism, hate and violence. We will 
>work closely with the students to help them campaign against hatred 
>and racism on campus and we support the University's efforts to 
>launch a swift investigation followed by a just consequence. Please 
>stay tuned for updates and possible calls to action.
>Thank You,
>Merrie Najimy,
>President ADCM
>For more information, contact
>The Massachusetts Chapter or the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination 
>Committee (ADCMA)
>565 Boylston Street
>Boston, MA 02116
>Email: info at adcma.org
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