[LCM Articles] List Guidelines

Ralph R Rabbat ralph at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 25 12:55:03 EST 2005

Dear Moderator,

It is helpful to enumerate what this list is not intended for, but the essential
point is the definition of its intent (what it is for). 
Logically speaking, the do's would eliminate a lot of don'ts (ie: stating that
the e-mails should only include analyses, paid articles, blog references,

Thank you,

Quoting Moderator <lebanon-owner at MIT.EDU>:

> Dear all,
> Thank you for your valuable posts to this list. It has been really helpful in
> sharing interesting findings on the web and opinions
> on a variety of matters relating to Lebanon. But given the exponential surge
> in volume of posts lately, many subscribers are
> choosing to suspend their subscription and quit the list. As you may be well
> aware, the size of this distribution is in the order of
> hundreds and not tens of subscribers. It consists mainly of LCM members,
> alumni, and friends of Lebanon and the club all over the
> world.
> To retain the quality and relevance of posts, it would be great if we all
> abide by the following guidelines when posting to this
> list:
> -         This is not a forum. Extended to-and-fro discussions soliciting
> input/responses from multiple individuals should be taken
> to one of the many forums available online nowadays or conducted via personal
> email among the circle of those interested.
> -         This is not a news alert service. Pure news reports/articles are
> strongly discouraged, as they add no value to the
> subscriber. News eventually reaches everyone with or without the list. If
> timeliness is a concern, there are numerous news alert
> services out there that can be customized to the specific interest(s) of
> their subscribers.
> -         When sending a specific question/comment regarding a certain post,
> please contact the sender directly via personal email
> outside the list (no CC/BCC is necessary).
> -         Posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of those who post
> them. One may post something he/she found very
> controversial or blatantly wrong, for example, and worth the attention of the
> list. Responses should hence address the content
> itself with no explicit presumptions about the sender and his/her
> intentions.
> -         To the extent possible, please make explicitly clear whether a post
> is a personal contribution, forwarded, scraped off the
> net, etc... Listing the source and/or providing a link to the content online
> would be very helpful.
> -         If you intend to reach only the Lebanese students at MIT and
> members of the LCM, please post to lebanon-members at mit.edu
> instead.
> -         You can always share your post with the moderator at
> lebanon-owner at mit.edu beforehand for feedback or request that the
> moderator posts it on your behalf.
> The list archives are publicly available here:
> http://mailman.mit.edu/pipermail/lebanon-articles/
> You can fine-tune your subscription preferences here (to receive a daily
> digest of all posts, for instance):
> http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/lebanon-articles
> Thank you,
> Moderator

Ralph Rabbat, PhD
Mobile: (617)678-3033

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