[LCM Articles] Future Movement on Future TV

Wassim Elyaman welyaman at rics.bwh.harvard.edu
Fri Mar 25 08:11:39 EST 2005

The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of
"futuremovement.org". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other
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Message sent to you follows:

Dear All,

Futuremovement.org will be discussed and talked about on "Alam Al Sabah"
tomorrow in a program called MEGA.

Photos from the site will be shown and the idea behind it will be also

So watch an episode about Internet Forums and FM tomorrow at 9:30AM Beirut
Time on Future TV and Future International.

The person who will represent us is Bassam Zaatari from FM, and the MEGA
talk show's host is our Admin: Amer ;)

Thank you

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