[LCM Articles] Today's Articles on Lebanon and Syria

Walid Georges Chamoun walid at chamoun.org
Thu Mar 24 13:39:58 EST 2005

LEBANON-SYRIA: Assad on Verge of Announcing Lebanon Pullout Schedule
Agence France Presse
he Syrian president was reported to be close to announcing a timetable for the final withdrawal of his forces from Lebanon, a move seen as critical to the organization of Lebanese parliamentary elections in May. Lebanese political circles were meanwhile awaiting the expected release in New York later in the day of a report by UN investigators on the February 14 assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri. The Lebanese opposition has accused Syrian and Lebanese security agents over the killing and mounted a spirited campaign to demand that the truth be revealed. The pro-Syrian government in Beirut has denied involvement, as has Damascus, but is nonetheless facing intense hostility from parties determined to end Syria's 30-year military and political presence once and for all.
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Links to related articles: 
. ARTICLE: World will hold Lebanon bombers responsible: US, Agence France Presse, Agence France Presse (Mar. 24)
. ARTICLE: Blast sharpens memories of Lebanon's civil war, Christian Science Monitor (Mar. 24)
. ARTICLE: With Lebanon, Washington Shows 'Soft' Side of Power, Los Angeles Times (Mar. 23)

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