[LCM Articles] Today's Articles on Lebanon and Syria

Walid Georges Chamoun walid at chamoun.org
Wed Mar 23 13:37:52 EST 2005

LEBANON-SYRIA: Annan: Assad Commits to Full Withdrawal
Daily Star
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said Syrian President Bashar Assad had given him a "commitment" to completely withdraw his troops and intelligence agents from Lebanon. Following a meeting with Assad during the Arab League summit in Algiers, Annan said the Syrian president confirmed his commitment to U.N. Resolution 1559 which calls for a Syrian withdrawal from its smaller neighbor. "The withdrawal has begun. He's working out a timetable in consultation with the Lebanese authorities and will withdraw his troops completely into Syrian territory. not just the troops but also the security service," Annan said. He added: "We need to see all of them withdrawn, and President Assad has confirmed to me that that is his intention and he will implement 1559 in full.
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Links to related articles:
. ARTICLE: Three killed as new blast rocks Beirut shopping mall, Daily Star (Mar. 23)
. ARTICLE: Fresh Lebanon bombing kills three, BBC (Mar. 23)
. ARTICLE: Raising the stakes, Al-Ahram (Mar. 23)

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