[LCM Articles] Today's Articles on Lebanon

Walid Georges Chamoun walid at chamoun.org
Tue Mar 22 18:18:49 EST 2005

LEBANON: Shiites Reject Calls for Hizbullah to Lay Down its Arms
Daily Star
Lebanon's Shiite community, which stretches from the Southern tip of Lebanon to Beirut, has resoundingly rejected international and internal calls for Hizbullah's disarmament. Calls for the disarmament have multiplied since Syria bowed to international demands for a full troop withdrawal from its smaller neighbor. Moreover, increasing international pressure, manifested by UN Security Council Resolution 1559, on the Lebanese government to disarm what is known as "the resistance," has split Lebanese public opinion. The international community defines the organization as a militia that should be disarmed. Earlier last week, the U.S. stand regarding Hizbullah seemed to have softened when Bush expressed openness to the idea of Hizbullah as a Lebanese political party, as long as it discarded its military wing and laid down its arms. But, Hizbullah has repeatedly ruled out laying down its weapons, placing the organizati on in direct defiance of Resolution 1559, adopted last year, which also calls on the Lebanese government to extend its control to all parts of the country - namely Hizbullah's stronghold along the southern borders with Israel.
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Links to related articles:
. ARTICLE: Syria feels heat as evidence in Lebanon PM's murder points to bomb under road, Guardian (Mar. 22)
. ARTICLE: Lebanon's impasse, ISN Security Watch (Mar. 22)
. ARTICLE: U.S. Fomenting Division in Lebanon, Says Hizbollah, Reuters (Mar. 22)

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