[LCM Articles] Apology

Sleiman Itani ssolomon at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 15 16:48:11 EST 2005

"A democratic and free Lebanon", free with no one ruling it and truly
democratic, without sectarianism in its political positions or
corruption. What a wonderful dream. I think that making Lebanon truly
democratic is what we should aim at after freeing it.

 On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 14:01, jad mezher wrote:
> From my belief that the main aim is to unite ALL the Lebanese behind
> the Lebanese cause, I wanna apologize for my last comment if it
> sounded confrontational. I didnt mean it this way.
> I was just trying to express my frustration and eagerness, as well as
> those of many other Lebanese, to have our countrymen who are still
> reluctant to support the uncovering of the truth, a democratic and
> free Lebanon, free from ALL external intervention, to join the
> struggle.
> jad mezher <jado_m at yahoo.com> wrote: 
>         I think that any party would/should be willing to lay down
>         it's arms for the future of lebanon, and that includes
>         Hizballah.
>         They wanted to play with majority, well the majority replied.
>         Nader Shaar <nshaar at MIT.EDU> wrote:
>                 For the sake of clarifying things, this articles can
>                 be found for free at
>                 "http://www.selvesandothers.org/article9202.html", and
>                 it was published in English news paper "The
>                 Independent"
>                 http://news.independent.co.uk/world/fisk/story.jsp?story=619657 (as indicated at the very end of the article), however, according to the 8:00 pm news of LBCI, the white house declared that it is not true that President Bush is/was planning to make any kind of statements regarding this issue on Wednesday, and the US strategy is to wait until the investigation is over and act according to its results.
>                 On the other hand, someone "close" to the Hariri
>                 family, "who asked to stay anonymous", said that
>                 Hariri'! ! s two sons left the country for security
>                 reasons; WAIT, there is more; Fouad Sanyoura later
>                 declared that they were away from their businesses for
>                 more than 1 month and they had to go back to take care
>                 of business.
>                 Ok, i take back the "clarifying" word from the first
>                 sentence; but this is just to say that the article
>                 might be "exaggerating things" - after all, it is for
>                 sale on the news paper's website for 1 Pound. Everyone
>                 has to decide on his/her own on how much of that
>                 article to believe.
>                 Aside from that, and since i finally decided to write,
>                 I have been reading the emails exchanged and wanted to
>                 comment on two points - only two because they are
>                 fact-based rather than opinion-based, I keep my
>                 opinion to myself. Someone mentioned that the
>                 pro-syrians do not ask for the truth behind Hariri's
>                 death - i have to object to that statement (unless i
>                 misunderstood); maybe some don't, but the majority do
>                 (unless I misunderstand them LOL). Another point was
>                 that Hizbullah s! ! hould hand its weapons to the
>                 Lebanese army; well I believe that if any other party
>                 were in their shoes they wouldn't, so i don't expect
>                 them too; however, it was good to hear G. Aoun stating
>                 that this issue would be solved by the Lebanese
>                 amongst themselves through dialogue, and that he
>                 expected "excellent results" ( or at least this is
>                 what the translation said - I am English educated)
>                 Thanks.
>                 Nader
>                 At 11:40 PM 3/14/2005 -0500, Loai Naamani wrote:
>                 > UN finds evidence of official cover-up in Hariri
>                 > assassination
>                 > Published: Monday, 14 March, 2005, 
>                 > 
>                 > By Robert Fisk 
>                 > 
>                 > BEIRUT: As the UNs Irish-led special investigation
>                 > team here prepares to report that the Lebanese
>                 > authorities have covered up the evidence of the
>                 > February 14 murder of former prime minister Rafik
>                 > Hariri, the murdered statesmans two sons have fled
>                 > Lebanon after hearing that they, too, may be
>                 > assassinated in the coming week. 
>                 > 
>                 > Hariris elder son, Bahar, has flown to Geneva and
>                 > his brother, Saad, has left hurriedly for Riyadh in
>                 > Saudi Arabia after warnings that they could be the
>                 > next targets of their fathers assassins.
>                 > 
>                 > US President George W Bush is expected to announce
>                 > this week that Syrian and perhaps Lebanese military
>                 > intelligence officers were involved in Hariris
>                 > killing; the bombing took the lives of 18 other
>                 > civilians. 
>                 > 
>                 > The UNs Irish, Egyptian and Moroccan investigation
>                 > team has now been joined by three Swiss bomb experts
>                 > following the discovery that many of the smashed
>                 > vehicles in Hariris convoy were moved from the scene
>                 > of the massacre only hours after the bombing and
>                 > before any time for an independent investigation. 
>                 > 
>                 > Yesterday, frogmen were sent into the sea off the
>                 > Beirut Corniche to recover the wreckage of the one
>                 > car in the Hariri convoy that was not taken away by
>                 > the authorities because it was blasted over a hotel
>                 > wall into the Mediterranean by the force of the
>                 > explosion. If they successfully recover parts of the
>                 > vehicle, they may be able to discover the nature of
>                 > the explosives. 
>                 > 
>                 > First reports that Hariri was killed by a car bomb
>                 > are now being challenged by evidence that the
>                 > explosives estimated at 600 kilos could have been
>                 > buried beneath the seafront avenue.
>                 > 
>                 > A unique photograph handed to The Independent in
>                 > Beirut, which is now also in the hands of the UN
>                 > investiga! ! tors, was taken scarcely 36 hours
>                 > before the bombing, on the afternoon of February 12.
>                 > It shows a drain cover in the road at the exact spot
>                 > where the explosion was to tear a 30-foot crater in
>                 > the highway, instantly killing Hariri and many of
>                 > his bodyguards, two days later. 
>                 > 
>                 > The section of roadway is marked off by no
>                 > parkingsigns which have been left there innocently
>                 > by staff of the nearby HSBC bank. But a mysterious
>                 > object can be seen on the left edge of the drain
>                 > cover. Both the metal cover and an extensive area of
>                 > roadway around it were atomised by the bomb.
>                 > 
>                 > The picture also shows two buildings which the UN
>                 > police officers are investigating as possible
>                 > locations of the bomber who detonated the
>                 > explosives: one is on top of the circular building
>                 > in the centre of the photo which houses a Beirut
>                 > hotel as well as a Lebanese army retirement fund
>                 > office and the other is on top of the civil
>                 > war-damaged Holiday Inn, which has been empty for
>                 > more than a decade. A balloon to! the! right of the
>                 > photograph regularly takes tourists aloft over
>                 > Beirut.
>                 > 
>                 > Some members of the Hariri family have been told
>                 > that the report of the UN enquiry team will be so
>                 > devastating that it will force a full international
>                 > investigation of the murder of Mr Lebanonand his
>                 > entourage. 
>                 > 
>                 > Hariri opposed the continued Syrian military
>                 > presence in Lebanon and many Lebanese have blamed
>                 > the Syrians for his murder. The UN investigators
>                 > have become convinced that there was a cover-up of
>                 > evidence.
>                 > 
>                 > President Bushs expected remarks on Wednesday will
>                 > follow two extraordinary days of public
>                 > demonstrations in Beirut. In the first, today,
>                 > opposition politicians will try to gather a million
>                 > followers to protest against the failure of the
>                 > government to resign and to reveal the truth about
>                 > Hariris murder as well as to dwarf last Tuesdays
>                 > half-million strong Hezbollah rally in support of
>                 > Syria. 
>                 > 
>                 > The second, by pro-Syrian demonstrators, is planned
>                 > to march to the US embassy ! in the Au! kar suburb
>                 > of east Beirut.
>                 > 
>                 > All this is being organised while virulent rumours
>                 > sweep Beirut. One says that the Syrians have been
>                 > handing out weapons to pro-Syrian Palestinians in
>                 > the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut and
>                 > Ein el-Helwe in Sidon. Investigations by The
>                 > Independent strongly suggest that this is untrue;
>                 > the Palestinians have quite enough weapons without
>                 > being re-supplied, and many of them would like to be
>                 > disarmed to end lethal inter-Palestinian factional
>                 > fighting. 
>                 > 
>                 > But on Saturday night in the Sabra camp, someone
>                 > knifed to death an elderly Syrian fruit-seller in
>                 > what was an obvious attempt to provoke violence. The
>                 > Independent
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