[LCM Articles] Hizbullah and Shebaa

Ralph R Rabbat ralph at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 14 17:11:08 EST 2005

Now that the Syrian army is starting to pull out and is apparently showing good
faith, I believe that Hizbullah should clearly state its goals. 

The group has shifted strategy and goals throughout the years, and this should
be a new turning point for them. I strongly disagree with people blindly
accepting Hizbullah just because they liberated the South or because they have
many followers. Since they are done with the liberation (see below, Shebaa
Farms), one essential part of their acceptance in the Lebanese system should be
a clear statement of their new goals. Is it again to instill an Islamic
Republic? Is it still to "destroy Israel" (as they continuously call on their
constituencies to remember)? Only then, people should make an informed decision
about them. 

If I want to be naive enough to believe that Hizbullah's goal is to liberate
Lebanon, well, since the military role of liberating Shebaa is not valid
anymore, it is time for the military wing, the Islamic Resistance, to transfer
its weapons to the Lebanese Army. They can chose to join the Lebanese Army
should they wish to, or focus on the social/political role of Hizbullah. 

If the party is worried about an Israeli invasion, the best solution would be a
conditional surrender of weapons. If Israel and Lebanon (should I say Syria in
this case?) sign a peace treaty, the Islamic Resistance is dissolved and the
weapons are surrendered.  

Should Hizbullah not wish to have a peace treaty with Israel, which I suspect,
Lebanon will again face a new turmoil with its Southern neighbour. Is forcing
Hizbullah to surrender its weapons the solution in that case? And is it
feasible? The protests should resound the entire 1559 resolution (see below),
calling on Hizbullah to disarm (since the military faction fits the definition
of a militia) in addition to Syrian withdrawal. 

All developments depend on a much needed definition of Hizbullah's new goals and
desired role. 

Shebaa Farms
The Shebaa Farms issue has been brought up again in recent developments as an
excuse for the continued Hizbollah attacks on the Shebaa Farms, I noticed that
more people have come to believe that the area is part of Lebanon. 

I'm sharing this article that comprehensively shows that the Shebaa Farms do not
belong to Lebanon, but are rather part of the Golan Heights. 

UN Resolution 1559


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