[LCM Articles] Lebanese Polls (fwd)

jad mezher jado_m at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 12 16:41:02 EST 2005

I don't know what's the idea behind the poll but I deplore it as somewhat not credible especially that it doesn’t come from a neutral party rather from a newspaper alienated with one side of the Lebanese conflict (knowing that Assafir is staunchly Pro-Syrian). 

I am not suggesting here that only pro-opposition party polls need to be considered.

I am just saying that some people are trying to keep the fire burning by suggesting that the fight for a Lebanon free from foreign intervention (Western & Arabic) highly depends on what sect you come from. 

I see this as very surprising as it comes with news that the anti-Syrian protest is gradually loosing its cross-sectarian flavor. 

I came accidentally across an article from the Christian Science Monitor that said:

“…..Still, Lebanon remains a divided society, starkly illustrated by the recent protests for and against Syria's role here. The anti-Syrian protests are gradually losing their cross-sectarian flavor, condensing to a core of Maronite Christians, traditionally the most active opponents of Syrian hegemony.” 



I hate to believe that this is true.

Hariri’s assassination is nothing but a despicable act of terror in itself, but it was also a catalyst that brought most of the Lebanese families together in demanding that Lebanon live in peace once and for all.

As a Maronite I couldn’t be happier to know that Lebanon matters not just to me, but to a lot of people from different sects.

But was this just for a few weeks? What’s after that?

Do we go back 5, 10 years?  Coulon youghanni 3ala laylah?


Can we still hope that whatever the anti-Lebanese are trying to do, one day, very soon, all the true lovers of Lebanon will once and for all show their allegiance only to the Lebanese flag free from any green or white stars?


I can’t wait to see.

Check the attached picture. It’s really something





Loai Naamani <loai at MIT.EDU> wrote:
Survey Published today in As-Safir Newspaper, Beirut


Q: Who killed Hariri?

A1: Syrian & Lebanese Secret Service:
86.2% Maronites, 80% Druze, 78% Orthodox, 49% Sunni, 9.4% Shia.

A2: Israeli/US Secret Service:
90.6% Shia, 51% Sunni, 21.4% Orthodox, 20% Druze, 13% Maronites


There are more Sunnis who are opposed to the opposition than who are
supportive (47.1 % supportive versus 52.9 % opposed).
97 % of Shi`ites are opposed to the Lebanese opposition, more than 90% of
the Druze are for it, as are 80% of the Christians.

Sunnis overwhelmingly (87.7 % ) reject disarming Hizbollah, 94.2 % of
Shi`ites are opposed to disarming Hizbullah.
And 96.4 % of Lebanese Shi`ites consider the US "unfriendly"
toward Lebanon, followed by 80.6 % of Sunnis, 48.2 % of Greek Orthodox,
47.3 % of Greek Catholics, 41 % of Maronites, and 35 % of Druzes.

But there are also points of consensus:

Q:Do you favor including Hizbollah in a national unity government?

yes: 94% of Armenians, 90% Druze, 88% Maronites, 87% Sunnis, 78% Shia,
10.8% Orthodox

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