[LCM Articles] Lebanese Polls (fwd)

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 11 16:59:09 EST 2005

Survey Published today in As-Safir Newspaper, Beirut


Q: Who killed Hariri?

A1: Syrian & Lebanese Secret Service:
86.2% Maronites, 80% Druze, 78% Orthodox, 49% Sunni, 9.4% Shia.

A2: Israeli/US Secret Service:
90.6% Shia, 51% Sunni, 21.4% Orthodox, 20% Druze, 13% Maronites


There are more Sunnis who are opposed to the opposition than who are
supportive (47.1 % supportive versus 52.9 % opposed).
97 % of Shi`ites are opposed to the Lebanese opposition, more than 90% of
the Druze are for it, as are 80% of the Christians.

Sunnis overwhelmingly (87.7 % ) reject disarming Hizbollah, 94.2 % of
Shi`ites are opposed to disarming Hizbullah.
And 96.4 % of Lebanese Shi`ites consider the US "unfriendly"
toward Lebanon, followed by 80.6 % of Sunnis, 48.2 % of Greek Orthodox,
47.3 % of Greek Catholics, 41 % of Maronites, and 35 % of Druzes.

But there are also points of consensus:

Q:Do you favor including Hizbollah in a national unity government?

yes: 94% of Armenians, 90% Druze, 88% Maronites, 87% Sunnis, 78% Shia,
10.8% Orthodox

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